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About cainhawk

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  1. cainhawk

    Civilian vests and armor!

    When I say mid to late game armor I mean slight protection like the current helmets but not fully bulletproof/reliable which again a thick book wouldn't be 100% bulletproof but might help when there isnt any other option. Just getting shot in an end of days scenario and bandaging with a rag is not realistic but for the sake of fun in the game I think its ok to be lenient with some things. Also you could already carry a ton of books if you wanted, weight isn't really considered in game but making them 4 slot for books would be more accurate on how many books you might actually carry or even having a few rarer 4 slot (big thick) books that would be the ones that worked.
  2. cainhawk

    Civilian vests and armor!

    Thanks for an actual response, first I meant the crafted vest as my main point. I do agree people dont use books for armor but it isn't completly impossible *in a video game* as a very slight means of extra protection and is more realistic than some things already in the game. I was more thinking along the madmax lines where people get creative and use what they find on hand. Books just happen to be an item in the game currently that could possibly work. I did say in vest slots so things like pants and coat pockets wouldnt be a factor. Its difficult to say what is realistic for a game when somethings are already not possible. It has to be a balance of realistic and functional and I think there is room for some kind of mid to late game armor. It would be easy to just say ok rare kevlar spawns now but thats not very creative and is more of a step towards arma 3 than towards a apocalyptic survival sim. I am def not suggesting walking around head to toe covered in books and being a tanking librarian.
  3. cainhawk

    Civilian vests and armor!

    Hard to respond because the replys are kind of trolly but I understand you dont like the idea and that's ok. Opinion on the crafted leather and denim vest? Also responding to it being unrealistic and it having no disadvantages. Quick summary of video: 9mm shot at 2 books very close range, only 1 book penetrated. I think that shows it is more realistic than you thought. A stick and a rag don't instantly cure a broken leg along with many unrealistic things in game. Also losing 4 or 8 inventory slots in a vest with the chance you could still be shot in the head, back, arm or legs is a disadvantage. I'm also saying it would still do damage to the chest just add some extra protection and give some use to books and only work if you had a vest.
  4. cainhawk

    Civilian vests and armor!

    Vests: The idea is to use the riders jacket and add a denim jacket (with 2-4 horizontal storage pockets), when combined with knife or sewing/leather kit (depending which jacket) to craft a vest. I think these type of vests will have more of an apocolyptic look and just look cool in general. Armor: The idea is based on the popular bible stopping a bullet stories. As a use for books, making putting books in vests give added damage reduction to one shot to the chest, ruining the books. Books take 4 slots squared so high capacity vests could hold 2 books, reg vests could hold 1 while the leather riders vest or denim vest (civilian) having horizontal storage would not be able to store them. The damage reduction doesn't need to be 100% maybe 25%, 50% with high capacity and maybe stop bleeding or change bleed chance to shock. This is all only for the first shot and only to chest. I think this would greatly add to the survival feel of the game without being overkill. Example a one shot could instead have high damage and or still put you unconscious but not leave you dead or unconscious bleeding. And thats if you had a vest, got shot in the chest and had books in it taking up your inventory space so its still a high trade off.
  5. Alot of people are missing the point the op was commenting on consistancy. Of course guns irl would kill you this isnt real life your not just going to build a helicopter from a tool shed either or break your leg 6x and keep on trucking forever with morphine. Instead something like a chance to pass for out if your bleeding or not being able to run or sprint when bleeding would still give someone with the jump an edge but not completly take away all chances to fight back. This would also make being swarmed by zombies more of a threat not being able to just sprint to a building to ditch them or bandage if they proc a bleed on you.
  6. cainhawk

    Stary Sobor a waste of time?

    Jaym did you happen to have a fn fal and a biz
  7. cainhawk

    cant run

    That was it, in game it didnt show that I was leaning so i never thought to try that. Good idea thanks.
  8. cainhawk

    trouble with running

    no just in general
  9. cainhawk

    cant run

    i had also tried that and it did not work.
  10. cainhawk

    cant run

    wx2, shiftx2 and hold shift are not working i tried rebinding it to a new key and that also did not work. when i log in i can run 5 mins later i cant. i have no injuries, what would cause this?
  11. when i load in the game i can run and crouch run but after about 5 mins i cant crouch run and shortly after that i couldnt not run at all. I tried double tap W double tap shift, hold shift and also rebinding toggle run to something else to see if it was something with my keyboard and it still did not work. i had no injuries and nothing wrong with me that i could think of. Am i missing something?