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Death Incarnate

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Everything posted by Death Incarnate

  1. Death Incarnate

    DayZ Memes

  2. Death Incarnate

    Damaged loot, may reduce sensless murders...

    Holding them at gunpoint is pointless in a game where you can disconnect as soon as you hear another player. A good idea if you fix disconnecting to avoid death first.
  3. Death Incarnate

    Balance of Power: Peaceable vs Bandits.

    "And Create a good balance between bandits and peaceful players, not directly infringing on the rights of bandit." You say you want to create a balance but like so many others you fail to see that fact that this is not that but rather a way to punish people of a certain playstyle to help benefit another. "and I can see how peaceful the players disappear as a class. And it's bad." And i really see what you mean by this but punishing a play style is not the way to do it.
  4. Death Incarnate

    Currency System

    1) In a zombie apocalypse you are not going to see currency of any kind unless you are talking about a coalition of sorts that could maintain a form of realistic currency (of which this game can not come up to scale to). 2) In this kind of environment a bartering system without guidelines and/or rules suffices. 3) I can see your trying to make it so that when you die you don't lose everything and that just removes some of the thrill out of perma death. For example, "Its fine if I die I will just go buy more stuff when I respawn" allowing for people who have the massive bases and gear to stay that way. 4) Overall currency in a fight to survive zombie apocalypse shouldn't exist period.