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Everything posted by robertkftw

  1. robertkftw

    Vehicle spawns ?

    Hey Dead_Shot can i join your clan i dont have anybody ive been playing by myself for a pretty long time never found a clan that recruited
  2. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    LOOK FOR Cpt.Bizz
  3. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    0712 Team Bizz, Evac from fort friendly it is abandon and left waste SideNote: My team will come back one day to destroy its remains and totaly kill anybody who opose my team or is there im sry but this was a bad idea this is a sociel Expriment that shouldnt have happen
  4. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    We have the all clear everybody is alod in the base u may enter as u will. Daniel u were sniping and kill somebody so u r forbidden
  5. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    We are under attack we are running to secure if u run there u wil be killed on sight until i give the clear
  6. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    u were shooting at us steffen
  7. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    steffen is shooting at the fort that was an accident u killed us
  8. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    if your coming to the fort IGN or we shoot him
  9. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Steffen were sry we thought u were a looter come back man were sry we put ur stuff in the tent
  10. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    i shot my dmr in the air hoping th CZ 550 guy would see me CZ guys plz help
  11. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    i dont see u in the game there is no trill in UK 7
  12. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Is there help on the way i managed to get to a safe haven of my own heard a DMR typed gun mabe a CZ 550 so i got cover and overwatching incase of ppl if u are in the fort plz IGN name and weapon u are holdin so i may identify
  13. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Howarden i will be doin that first i need to establish y place the and ge t some arch. desighn before i do if u tell me ur IGN and if u have skype that also then u could help me
  14. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    i cant man i need epi and blood
  15. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    ok i need blood,epi
  16. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    tell me when ur inside
  17. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    epi pen im on floor in the fort
  18. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    i am unconsious tho i need help
  19. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    appearntly ive been the game the whole time and was not shoot so yes there are
  20. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    I do not no i am not playing at thsi time i will check then go to bed if u would like
  21. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    I will be making a fort near steins fort since i dont steal land this fort is military and we will show u war tactics
  22. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    but where getting of so night night