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Everything posted by robertkftw

  1. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Yes what is ur IGN and What gun do you carry because we dont want u sniping on the hills
  2. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    well its safe now we have 3 or 4 other ppl so if u would like to come back u can
  3. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    We do not claim the fort we have it protected we overwatch if anyone would like to come then go head u shoot we kill u and stein we dont want it we just hold it down i am however the cpt of it ill command my people not the other players we wont kill u we do guard it if u wanna shoot us will shoot u stein but for now my team i im vpt of and we keep others strait if u want to enter u will be gived a warning if u have a gun to say friendly in a matter o time then u will be engaged but if u confirm ur friendly and give ur IGN ahead of time and well no and well be waiting
  4. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    The Fort is a friendly fort we have recruit a person and if this fort gets bigger we will start a training camp
  5. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    When are you coming. We dont see your name. Provide better comfirmation we have another guards KitKat and Damien
  6. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    we could no hear u were very sry if u would like u can come back and will get u some stuff and help u bigger the army the better
  7. robertkftw

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    This was not attack we thought u were a killing squad because of ur fire power so i got scared and shot. The miss interpretition was a bad thing the compound is open again we have over watch now we dont kil its just we didnt know how many people are coming to kill or be friendly. Please confirm your friendly through Dayz Forums the people that are guarding are Zac, [RNG] Cory, Cpt.Bizz, ClockWerk, if u get shot and were not on its not are fault and spector we have taken the fort we own it now