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About FaceAche

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  1. FaceAche

    Infected Doctor...

    I've seen zombie doctors they're not hacked in, however I rarely see them spawn.
  2. Thanks for sharing, there are absolutely zero threads about this matter.
  3. You'd think that someone with 801 posts wouldn't make such whiny threads.
  4. FaceAche

    1.7.3 Question

    You may.
  5. FaceAche

    trying to give new life to dayz

    Might as well play ARMA 2 then...
  6. FaceAche

    Adventure time!

    Well there you go I can only see polana for a brief second when I log in and fall down to the ground also the timer is moving again but still slow as fuck. I just want to play again so kill or save me I don't really mind.
  7. FaceAche

    Adventure time!

    It's not a trap but don't bother searching for me if you already have good gear of course. I'll put up a screenshot in a sec for the nonbelievers.
  8. FaceAche

    Adventure time!

  9. FaceAche

    Adventure time!

    Sup guuuuuuaaayys up for an awesome adventure? Yeah you are! My situation. Login, fainted, no hourglass, dafuq? waited for at least 20 minutes before I came to the conclusion that I'm screwed and I didn't even ALT F4 so I must be bugged but who cares! Ok moving on... Option 1. Save me by poking me with an epi-pen Option 2. Kill me Is it worth your time? Yes it is because my (soon to be your) gear is fucking awesome amagawd! I'm being serious here no really I mean it. I even found a god damn satchel bomb thingy and I never found one of those bastards before. Am I trolling? I know it looks that way you'll never know until you get there, besides it's not like you have anything better to do right? Where is your location so I can fucking kill you? I'm on the North side of the Malinovka mountain near Polana I can actually see Polana. I guess this is my location "109 075" Server "DE 1996" Player name "Hidde" I'm wearing a ghillie suit so I might be hard to find. Happy hunting! Cause I can't imagine someone saving me, but if you do I'll share some needo stuff! Or you can be just be a fucking pig and take it all nonmomonomonomonom atleast t-bag me if you decide to do so I wanna have some lols out of this as well.
  10. FaceAche

    LU160 Ceasefire please.

    So... You mean there are no witches? :(
  11. FaceAche

    Creepiest "death"

    Maybe for you, this game is my LIFE!
  12. FaceAche

    LU160 Ceasefire please.

    No way! There are witches in this mod now?
  13. FaceAche

    Great news!

    ijfcnó\;dvni;longv'\spfj;l/mlkna solb fgedijoibxscax