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About Oddzball

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  1. I tried holding it in my hand, I tried binding Map to the M key, but it opens a blank black screen... I tried right clicking the map... I'm stumped...
  2. I just wish there was clarification on HOW you did it? Is it a Right click function? Drag and drop? Some kind of "Hold the tool in your hand and right click a can??
  3. I frankly dont give a crap about a realistic 24 hour day. I work for a living, and I would find it complete bullshit if since I dont get home till its already dark, I would only be able to play at night.
  4. Oddzball

    Magnum Hand IK

    Rocket already said, it's for the 357 magnum revolver. Which is almost ready to go in game.
  5. Ok, so, the patch said I could "Open canned food with sharp things" I have; An Axe A Mosin Bayonet A Kitchen Knife And I'll be damned if I can figure out how to open canned food. Tried right clicking, tried dragging crap on top of crap, nothing works. Also, I know it's alpha, but I pretty much stripped 4 TOWNS of loot, and there wasnt a single can opener in probably over 100 houses?
  6. Oddzball

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    I'm gonna try the Socratic method on you. You said there was "NO" hacking or pirating on consoles. Saying there is "NO" hacking or pirating on consoles is bullshit. Hence You said = Bullshit. Then end. I'm sorry man, the minute you said there was no hacking or piracy on consoles you lost all credibility. I actually feel kind of bad for you now because you just wont accept what you said was very very dumb.
  7. Oddzball

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    ROFL, and that project failed spectacularly. Due to power requirements and the fact that they COULDN'T upgrade anything. They wasted millions on Ps3s, and literally less then a year later they could build the same thing with less footspace and power/cooling requirements AND it could be upgraded with REAL PC components if needed. Dont even try to talk military IT Hardware with me, I work in that field, and the "project" you mentioned was a laugh stalk of the entire DoD IT industry. We STILL make fun of it and how stupid it was.
  8. Oddzball

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    BWAHAHAHA Did you seriously just say that? Holy crap, I see the dumbest crap posted on these forums.
  9. Oddzball

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    Nothing, because the DayZ "Mod" is pretty much dead. I seriously doubt we will for example see a better inventory or control system. They are obviously from the way support for the mod has slowed to a crawl, putting 90% of their effort into the "Standalone" game.
  10. Seriously, whomever thinks its ok to put "rape" in a video game or advocates it needs to die a horrible death in a most agonizing way. Some of you fucking people need an ass kicking to learn a little respect. You only get away with saying this shit on the internet, but if you said that to people in real life you would literally be shunned and probably get the crap kicked out of you. I swear to god i hate the internet some days.
  11. P.S. THey actually asked me to be on preppers, but I turned them down. Partly because I dont need them in my business, and also because it would be incredible boring to watch me on TV.
  12. We arent all that BAD. They purposely picked the crazy ones to make the show more entertaining. Yes I have a lot of guns and ammo. Yes I have guns in places around the house. But I dont think I need someone to come bless my guns. Putting guns in parts of the house is more about being able to get to them if you need them, not because you are crazy. Where I live it could take the police an hour to respond. (Ive timed it a few times) if someone or something breaks into my house and my gun is sitting in a vault or gun case on the other side of the house what good does it do me. I wear my pistol when I go outside or around town, but I dont want to wear it ALL the time. That shit is uncomfortable after a while.
  13. There are a few things that worry me though about being prepared. I am a bit older for one, and my eyesight isnt what it use to be, I need glasses and that could be difficult to deal with in a prepper scenario. I would love to get laser corrective surgery. I also worry about security. I live out in the middle of no where, but I only have a ~5 foot chainlink fence around my land, and unfortunately I cant afford to put up a brick wall for an area that big. Havent really come up with a good solution to that except to build an inner wall just around the house. The other thing I thought about was to build a treehouse. Have to hear me out on that one. The nearest town to my area has a small population right? so assuming 1/2 the population were to flee before a big outbreak. That leaves me with 2500 potential zombies. I have more then enough ammo to deal with that many in theory(Around 20,000 rounds). I could sit up in my tree house and just wipe them all out. The problem is what to do with all the zombie bodies that would be left over.
  14. I guess I am a prepper if you read my post on page one of this thread but again, we dont really call ourselves that. Well, assuming you read my post on page one, I guess I consider myself a prepper. Also, to the person who said they were suprised people owned guns and assumed that nobody ever uses them properly. I spent 12 years in the military and did 2 tours in Iraq during the worst times of the war. I am also an avid hunter/outdoors-men. Ive killed many animals for food. And I have also shot and killed people in the defense of myself and others. The reason I have so MANY firearms is because I have a select group of people I would like to have with me in an emergency and I can provide them with firearms.
  15. No that T.V show is dumb because I would never want folks to know EXACTLY what I have and am capable of. All that stupid show did was make most of us preppers look bad, in addition to giving me scavenging spots when the world goes to shit.