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Tommy Gun

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Everything posted by Tommy Gun

  1. I think I missed it. ;n; Awww. So much for that. Though I didn't get mah invite. D: I don't think it matters now, cause you know, this seems to be over, but yeah. I don't know the server info or nothin'. EDIT: OHHHHH. We're still playing. A soft yay is very, very fitting right about now. Anyway, anyone want to PM me the ts3 server, and from there tell me what server in DayZ we're playing on?
  2. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    I made an announcement and event for this meetup on my DayZ Brony group. Here is link. http://steamcommunit...groups/PonyDayZ Yes, this is shameless self-promotion.
  3. Tommy Gun

    Trading: Mountain Dew

    Ahh, oh well. It's just hard to trust anyone. Thanks for not being bandits! XD
  4. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    1. Probably... Take an oath under Celestia and Luna's wings. 2. WE HOPE SO, MUCHLY.
  5. Tommy Gun

    Trading: Mountain Dew

    I had a Mountain Dew. In my backpack, started getting shot at by someone, so I announced over direct voice, "I'll let you kill me, just let me drink the Mountain Dew in my backpack. I've got NVGs and a GPS. Just please, let me drink the Dew." Nice guy let me take it out, drink it, and I stood there saluting him while he walked up and busted a cap in my head. I like this guy. Quite a lot. Don't remember his name though. EDIT: If I wasn't sure you'd just kill me and take it, I've got a blood bag and a morphine injector for that Dew of yourn. But anyway, ta ta~
  6. Tommy Gun

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I legitimately obtained a Ghillie. That would make me laugh my ass off, and be very angry at the same time.
  7. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    I don't think a few posts constitutes a discussion, it was more of a mention, in my opinion. However I will not mention it again, in this thread. Thanks for reminding us.
  8. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Au contraire, mon petite fleur. We are not getting mad, nor will we get mad. Have fun trying to troll us, we'll just get friendlier and friendlier.
  9. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Yeah, have fun with that. Godspeed.
  10. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Eh. XD I just dislike Bronies who don't really follow our "Love and Tolerance" philosophy. ._. So, I try to just mention things like that. Sorry, mate. .u. Also. Can't wait. This is looking pretty good. XD EDIT: For confusion's sake. My statement may seem contradictory, but it's not. I tolerate them and all, I just do it begrudgingly. .u. I'm fine with their existence, I just do what I can to turn them to the Toleration Brigade. Yes I just made that up. Too bad if it exists already.
  11. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Frankly there's nothing wrong with Cloppers or Furries. >.> To each his own, is the way I see it.
  12. Ack, another post! For shame on me. But still. I must reach out to a guy whose in-game name was Ascension, as best I could remember. I'm Pootis Spencer. You killed me, I insulted you, you died by hacker, I apologized, we talked, and we decided to try meeting up. I failed miserably, with DayZ Commander. It didn't tell me where you were. D: If you see this, send me a message on Steam. I'm Tommy Gun, with the Fallout Guy as my picture. http://steamcommunity.com/id/GommyTun
  13. Tommy Gun

    In game Brony Meetup!

    People... I just have to say that I love this. So much. Count me, and any friends I can rustle up, to get our flanks there. I've not got much good gear, but I've got six days, I think I can do that easy enough. PM me the TS or Mumble or (Insert preferred VOIP program here), and I'll guard it with my life. My real one. Not the virtual one that gets lost, quite often.
  14. Tommy Gun

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    And you're an idiot. That part was added in later. They may or may not have looked, but they may not have been able to know, either.
  15. Sweet. Always nice to find those out here who help others.
  16. Tommy Gun

    Liars cheats and bandits to watch out for

    Really, for all you know he was lying about the Group. If something like that happens, just refuse. If they really are friendly, odds are they won't MAKE you go with them.
  17. Tommy Gun

    Liars cheats and bandits to watch out for

    Your picture is so appropriate. Just so much appropriate.
  18. Tommy Gun

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Pootis Spencer Player ID (Not SteamID): 30097542 Why do you wish to join the Militia: I may not be a savior like Dr. Wasteland, but if someone needs help and they ask it of me, I'm not going to turn them down. I'll do my very well best to get them back up to speed. Running with those who I can help help other people just seems like getting cans of beans from one loot pile. What can you offer the Militia: Deployable operative, singular or squad-based. In other words, adaptability. And humor. Lots of that. Are you a team player: Naturally. It's not in my nature to be a lone-wolf. I'm capable of doing that, but I don't like it. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I've lost my gear so many times, to D/Cers, hackers, normal bandits, I don't mind it one bit. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: I've been a member, and still technically am, of Tasty Cereal Time, and Bronies for a Friendly DayZ. Both groups are simply friendly players who like to run together. I would be a sort of Ambassador between the Walking Militia and these two groups. Extra Information: I have unusual luck when it comes to finding large amounts of good loot. Usually without the space to carry it.
  19. Tommy Gun

    Looking for partner.

    I'd like to join in or up with either of you. Need some running buddies.
  20. Tommy Gun

    Looking for people to play with

    You guys playing right now? I'm stuck in Balota airfield with a broken leg. :I Willing to join any server with good ping on my machine, so hopefully I can get some morphine and a bloodbag, preferably. EDIT: Skype is louispiper Steam is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GommyTun
  21. Name on Skype: louispiper Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GommyTun I'll run with ya, hopefully I'll have a good ping on yer server.
  22. Tommy Gun

    Wanting to team up?

    I'm stuck in the middle of Balota airfield with a broken leg. Anyone want to help me out? I'll join back in to any server with a decent ping on my machine, and hopefully you guys will get to me first. Got some good gear, so if I die anyway hopefully you can get some. XD
  23. I'll join up too, if possible. I'm either noblesseOblige or Tommy Gun. Steam is here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GommyTun Skype is louispiper.
  24. Tommy Gun

    Looking for a few more

    Dunno what Ventrilo is, but if you're willing to explain and add me on Steam and Skype, http://steamcommunity.com/id/GommyTun and louispiper, respectively, then I'm game for running with ya. Tired of going it alone. Especially when you break your leg because of a glitch in the middle of Balota airfield.
  25. Met a friendly goin' by the name of Tommy. Within a week ago, on July 15th, or 16th. In the office building in Elektro, teamed up for a while 'till we hit the Church up and I removed some Barbed wire from the doorway. Then the guy we'd seen running towards a barn in the distance, while we were on a hill, came in and blew us both away with an AK. It was good finding a friendly, or hell, someone who bothers to ask if someone is friendly. Maybe we can team up again, but it's worth a shot to see!