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Everything posted by FragMonkey

  1. FragMonkey


    Ghillie suits are just very very very rare. I have been playing for 50+ hours and have yet to see NVGs
  2. FragMonkey

    [ViDEO] I just became a fucking crow

    its just spectator mode. It was supposed to be disabled so you should contact the server admin
  3. You will die in this trade, I guarantee you. NVG is worth more than gold.
  4. FragMonkey

    Dear Bandits

    Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  5. FragMonkey

    Taking a break from Day Z

    Cant wait for Rocket to get back from E3, though I feel that he won't have much power to do anything about the hacks. Vanilla Arma2 had a hacking problem well before DayZ
  6. FragMonkey

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    Lol my sentiment exactly
  7. FragMonkey

    Disappearing body after spawn?

    There was a bug before that bodies disappeared fast, but the latest patch made it so they last around 15 minutes. Someone probably looted you and then hid the body
  8. Using Arma 2 + OA is called Combined Ops Lite. I use it and it works fine. It does give you lower-res textures though
  9. I would be glad to pay for a fully-developed DayZ title
  10. FragMonkey


    this guy is SO legit
  11. vehicle saving is very buggy. sometimes they appear, sometimes not
  12. FragMonkey

    Murder by Numbers

    post moar data
  13. FragMonkey

    No Sidechat?

    it is totally the beta patch
  14. lol good luck there is nothing to stop someone from appearing in your camp, having breached your safe zone through another server, and being in an advantageous position to loot and pillage
  15. FragMonkey

    DayZ is a total screw up.

  16. FragMonkey

    Dallas 4 hacker found using [WTF] tag

    I hope you have proof. Send it to DayZ staff and they will handle it
  17. FragMonkey

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Keep up the good work Rocket
  18. FragMonkey

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Please don't do this. Full loot pvp is what makes this game unique. Removing that would be a bad decision
  19. FragMonkey

    No spawn points on crashed heli?

    Is that before or after this current patch? This patch is supposed to fix that problem
  20. Just disable post process effects in the graphics options, and all the blurring goes away
  21. FragMonkey

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    you are a game developer with fucking balls. I love you
  22. FragMonkey

    Skalka? What is it?

    probably a castle. I'm pretty sure all castles are green text
  23. FragMonkey


    cool story bro
  24. FragMonkey

    Trading Post, volunteers required

    What will you do about server hopping? Someone can just move to your location on another server, log into yours, and find themselves in the middle of your trading post with an advantageous position to kill everyone
  25. FragMonkey

    Disable all HUD elements

    I would like to know this too