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About BananaMartyr

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  1. Yeah zombies don't react to flashlights. Sometimes I just throw flares all over city at the same time so if anybody is trying to find me, they can't tell which part of it I'm looting. Every apartment building I enter I pick up a new 10 set and throw them in every direction. It's pretty fun running around Cherno/Electro with the entire city lit up by flares at night.
  2. Would you go outside at night in a real zombie apocalypse where no electricity remains to light the streets? Herp derp. It's like in olden times, people would close their shops and sleep earlier if the sun went down earlier. Can't do much with no light. But yeah in game, that's when I do all my looting, like a boss. I can navigate through all the major cities in pitch black darkness just making out the tops of buildings. I've never been killed at night by players, very rarely by zombies (One time when I just went rambo through town, got stuck on a million fences and roadblocks). It's pretty frustrating if you do get a zombie on you though, if you can't find something to lose them on and go prone, you can't even shoot them without throwing out a flare.
  3. Yeah I'm trying to get in a group atm to avoid this. Sometimes I'll hear shots or footsteps right next to me in a town while I'm hiding and I try direct voice chat but they were either out of range, or just didn't respond. I don't know the range of direct voice/text chat but that seems like the safest bet, before you can even see eachother.
  4. BananaMartyr

    Looking for a survival buddy

    I'm game, same timezone as me and I play at all hours. I think I have skype, vent, mumble as well (Doesn't matter which, though I like Skype less than the others). Let me know if you want to group up somewhere. You should mention your server and such. I think I last logged out in a major city so not sure if I'll make it out alive :P I haven't met a friendly ingame yet. The best I've had in all my player encounters is that somebody didn't shoot me on sight, probably because all I had was a crowbar and was saying friendly on the mic haha.
  5. BananaMartyr

    zombie children??

    Like most have said, the rating peoples and angry housewives with take up arms on it. A lot of countries or areas ban games with things like that so for a retail game, it's much better to avoid the hassle. A free mod though? Why not. I haven't played the normal Arma game but I assume it lacks females compared to male characters and that's why there are so few no female zombies. I would certainly like more lady zombies. Children zombs are wonderful for realism but I won't be all that disapointed if it's avoided.
  6. BananaMartyr

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    My adivce? Find people who don't kill you, stick with them. That is how life works. In a survival scenario you would want to stick with a group of people and avoid outsiders unless they prove innocent. The more people you have on your side, the less likely people want to fight you and would rather try to join you to form a squad. So make friends with the first person or two you meet, use the connection to get gear and show others mercy when you see fit, asking them to join you. Yes the murdering is a bit over the top in this game but that's partially the fault of pve and ammo spawns being so easy. When you have a backpack full of supplies, what else is there to do? Kill some random zombies? Why? To waste ammo? It's not like they won't respawn to ease the zombie danger from the land. Killing a player means that for however long it takes for him to get his supplies back, he's no longer a threat to you or anybody else. Really that does more for people than killing zombies does. Finding a gun and a clip of ammo should be like Christmas, not the first 5 minutes of any new character.
  7. BananaMartyr

    Does the community want DayZ to become harder?

    I know from watching videos for over a week or two, hours at a time, that looting is wayyyy too easy. Everybody has 20+ slot bags, full food/water/ammo and mid-high tier guns in like 30 minutes or less. There's so much pvping because the pve aspect is too easy. RL zombie survival wouldn't have so much dang ammunition laying around for people to spray newbies with.
  8. BananaMartyr

    Where did the night go?

    People come to play the most realistic zombie survival game out right now, then proceed to mod and edit and exploit it to make it easy and a normal fps. I do not understand this.
  9. BananaMartyr

    so many bitches

    Beat me to it. Surprised it took that long honestly.
  10. BananaMartyr

    Destroying Friendships

    So it wasn't just me thinking this haha. Mindgames are too much fun. Really, ignoring all the RL crap, kill them like this. The server hopping thing is shit, I don't care if they're good friends or not, I'd fuck with them constantly for pulling that crap to exploit the game for free kills. P.S: I read you went along with it, server hopping yourself. That makes you just as bad, correct? Saying you had to do it because they did is an excuse.
  11. Just updating Arma 2 so I can download the mod after buying the game a couple hours ago, excited since I've been watching videos religiously for over a week now. I'd say the biggest problem is how readily available ranged weapons and ammunition are. In a real survival situation, it'd be EXTREMELY difficult to get ahold of a gun unless you already owned one or lived around people who did and died before they could use them but the biggest problem is ammunition. People shoot others so freely because they know they can just walk up the road and loot more ammo within 5-10 minutes of using it all up. If it was a real situation, shooting would be a last resort to conserve ammo and people would rely much more on melee weapons for dealing with other survivors especially, and possibly zombies as well. That people can walk around so easily with weapons/ammo that kill instantly from a distance without warning is what causes all the distrust. If more of the ratio of weapons went to melee over ranged that didn't kill as quickly, there'd be more friendly encounters I'm sure because you'd also want help taking on zombies if all you had is an axe or baseball bat or something and wouldn't need to worry at all about being attacked until the person was right ontop of you. You'd be relying more on your smarts and planning and sneakiness to survive over run and gunning. So for more realism I'd suggest less ammo spawns, but I doubt that'd happen. Servers with less frequent spawns, less ammo, more melee weapons and such would be amazing. They really need more melee weapons.