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Everything posted by Manito

  1. Yes, but DayZCommander DOES update to this version, so you don't actually have to install it manually. I don't know about everyone else, but spawning 12-15 kilometers away from where I was, and on the coast to boot, is not my idea of fun.
  2. Yay for being logged in to random locations after this patch! I love logging in, being where I'm supposed to be at our camp, then logging out, logging back into the same server, and being on the coast! Just what I wanted, to be 12 km from my last point!
  3. If that's the only evidence you have, it's pretty circumstancial. Did you see if anyone else had the same coordinates that he was transported to at the time he was transported there? Was anyone else transported there with him? Those coordinates could have been the location that the hacker pulled everyone to. I think you overstepped your bounds in banning a "possible" hacker - you shouldn't ban unless you are 100% certain and have verifiable video/screenshot proof.
  4. Happened tonight on Seattle ONE ZERO FOUR (spelled out as such), at approximately 11 PM PST. We were in the middle of a firefight involving 3 different groups around Elektro. I had flanked two snipers on the tallest hill north east of Electro, and was nearing their position. As I neared their position, the server suddenly put every player to the interim screen between in-game and the lobby (the screen right after aborting, where it says debriefing and shows scoreboard), with a timer saying "Timeout: 15" in red on top of the scoreboard. I was in Mumble with two other teammates at the same time, we all got this message at the same time. The server proceeded to go through what appeared to be a hard restart - but it popped up with the option to pick the game mode type. Since none of us were familiar with it, most of us hit continue, which apparently defaulted to 01: Deathmatch, with only 8 player slots. After a short period of time, it reverted back to the mode selection screen, where we now saw two different "DayZ" modes listed. We selected the first one, and the server appeared to restart properly. Shortly after the server started correctly, the player "DeadlySerious", who was part of the group with "Relick", "Steve", and "Zach", proceeded to vote DeadlySerious to become admin. Shortly after, we were all kicked from the server, and kicked on any subsequent rejoin. This kind of abuse is absurd, and the voting needs to be disabled globally, as I watched it happen most of the day today. Captured an image, showing "DeadlySerious" as admin, as well as his cohorts, and the kick message. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3203/arma2oa2012080823423254.jpg
  5. Also, I know that it was not "just a hacking admin" - Freeside servers are well known, and they have a public Teamspeak, which I was in as soon as the server starting having issues. I was in direct contact with one of their staff members, who has assured me that they will be posting some sort of logs on this matter at some point on this thread.
  6. It is a hive connected server, and the server is set up properly from what I know, I play on it regularly and it always has restarted normally. I have never seen it restart the way it did tonight, which makes me think it was abnormal due to an outside influence.
  7. Manito

    Tree of death

    I've had this happen twice in two days, in two different positions, directly under trees. Don't try and blame it on not hearing a killing shot - the deaths give you instant -4000 to -5000 health, all from taking one "step" while prone or standing in the wrong direction under a tree. Zombies don't kill me - trees do. I've died more to trees than anything else in this game. Luckily, I've made my way back to my body both times, and have only lost the ghille I was wearing at the time, recovered all other gear.
  8. Manito

    Looking for a few more

    I'll tag along if there is still room - steam: maneetoe
  9. Like the title says, looking for one or more trustworthy players to co-op with - I dual monitor so I always have map up. http://steamcommunity.com/id/maneetoe/ I am west coast timezone, generally play in the evening hours (8 PM - ? PST)