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Everything posted by K5v9n

  1. I recantly came across a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 with 2 mags, and would like to trade it for an M24 and rangefinder, but would be willing to settle for an m24, note that I am not a bandit and it will be used in a counter sniper role ( if that means anything to you) pm me or reply below
  2. K5v9n

    Rare gun Trade

    This is a simple trade thread, your cynicism and Trolling are not welcome, the gun I have is listed as Extremely Rare, and the M24 is very rare, if you would like to debate on whether the M24 or DMR is best, there are many other threads for that, your opinions are not needed
  3. would you take a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for it?
  4. K5v9n

    Shot and need help

    Bad timing.. I was all stocked up on blood and morphine with my last char, but alas, I was killed by a team of bandits.
  5. I agree, plus it's much easier to read peoples intentions from their voice than practically playing russian roullette with every encounter, but as for your question noone ( at leat no servers I've been on) have it enabled.
  6. K5v9n

    Where does the sun set and rise?

    The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
  7. sounds like something I could get behind, I'm a decent sniper, but havn't found one on my current character yet
  8. I've been reading up on this subject too, the general census is it's bad to use a hacked gun and may even be cause for ban, whether you're the one that hacked it or not, so the best bet if you find one is to move on
  9. I'm on the east coast as well, same problem you have, I try to be nice and end up getting shot in the back, right now I have a fresh char with only a lee enfield, would like to play with a group or just partner up with someone