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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. jukaga

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    Any 800m+ claims require a video, with rangefinder. Otherwise I call BS. I'm no sniper, best I've done is around 500m.
  2. No problem with it. If any stranger tries to get within scroll wheel distance of me I light them up. It's survivor courtesy to not get in someone's bubble, and 100% justified in lethal response.
  3. jukaga

    I feel like an asshole

    Great therapy might be playing on a bunch of private hives, when you have something like 8+ avatars to choose from it helps in curing the jitters or guilt associated with player interactions and the hoarding mindset. Take it to the next level: next kill, carve him up and dine! See what this game has to offer.
  4. The only problem I have with big groups are the ex-military types who try to tell everyone what to do and how to do it. I feel clan wars are counter-intuitive to what DayZ actually is along with elaborate base building. The roadmap ahead should be trying to make the game harder to survive, not to have players thrive so much that people have an opportunity to build new structures from scratch. Re-purposing and barricading existing structures sure but no fortress-in-a-box builds. Please.
  5. I have not been able to make a splint on a public or private hive for a while now. It just does the animation and hangs there forever, with that 'cancel current action' option popping up. It's driving me nuts, reported the bug, but has anyone else experienced this thing?
  6. Yep just had 4 human steaks go to ruined in seconds, they weren't raw when I carved them out either.
  7. jukaga

    Field of view

    I've pretty much stopped watching streamers as they all rely on these crutches, and openly exploit everything they can. Beans to you for reasonable solutions.
  8. jukaga

    Field of view

    FOV, gamma and 3rd person are all big exploits that will never be 'fixed'.
  9. jukaga

    Character wipe?

    True, you're not going to find anything up there better than what he had already. Besides the killer stairs, I couldn't begin to count how many times I've been sniped while carelessly looting the firehall tower.
  10. All buildings need to enterable and too many of the buildings we can enter have closed off areas. And it's past time that we should be able to shoot out of glass windows like the barracks.
  11. jukaga

    Im soo sickk of this....<eating flesh>

    Yeah, if you're going to go cannibal, you go all in till you die or hide your gear and suicide. Haunt the coast with an axe and shotgun and eat people till you get your just desserts.
  12. jukaga

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ

    Occasionally I run a free BBQ for weary survivors on the highway between Elektro and Berezino. I usually host it in a roadside garage next to two houses, the ones by the curving bay halfway through the highway. I only sometimes put human meat in the mix. :D Another time I started fresh, found a pristine LRS in the first 20 seconds of the game, SCORE! Ran into another freshie who just found a mosin. I gifted it to the guy. We wound up playing together for another 4 hours or so till he crashed. Never got his steam ID.
  13. jukaga

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    I found 6 nettings the other night spread across 2 boats in the space of less than 3 minutes. I had been stockpiling burlap strips so this was quite a find for me. I never seriously looked for them before, but would always check out a boat if I was near the coast and I saw one.
  14. It would be a lot of effort just to kill freshies in Kamy, rather than just logging in and waiting 5 minutes there for someone to pass by.
  15. That makes more sense. I think I have at least a half dozen private hive characters at this point.
  16. So you've bought the standalone 5 times? Uh, wow.
  17. jukaga

    Best size squad?

    My experience with bigger squads usually led to mass death, they're difficult to manage if there is even one guy with bad comm discipline. A two man team with trust and skill can do amazing things in this game, just like real life. Though, I'd love to roll with a proper disciplined squad if the opportunity arises. In my mod days we had a group of about 6 guys usually, with mixed results. The hacks were much worse then, and it would be pretty common place to get nuked, thunderdomed or possessed. The hackers seem to have been drawn to the larger groups.
  18. jukaga

    some weird things with the compass

    The worn or damaged state should not impede the compass at all, magnetism is magnetism. It should only make the dial harder to read if the glass is cracked.
  19. jukaga

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    In the mod, it was the Makarov pistol, for the Standalone it was the double barrel shotgun. I still remember that first kill like it was yesterday. It was at most a few weeks into the mod I was in the outskirts of Cherno, late at night in game. I ducked into a wood cabin house to bandage and eat up. It was super-dark and I could barely see a thing. A shadow follows me in, he seems to be looking in the other direction. My heart is thudding through my chest. I try comms. 'Friendly" he reacts by firing wildly in the wrong direction. Despite my sweaty palms and thudding heart I manage to get the iron sights over his head and fire, he drops. I loot his corpse and spend the next 5 minutes trying to figure out how to use this 'blood bag' I found in his pack. Later that night I died just outside of the northern Elektro firehouse.
  20. Nothing racist about it friend, I don't see how you'd think that. There is no judgment, condemnation or defamation in my post, just an illustration of an amusing sub-culture that every nation has it's version of.
  21. jukaga

    pso-1 scope?

    I usually find them at Barracks, resting on the beds. Never seen one at a heli site, but I've only found a half dozen in the SA.
  22. We need a squat emote to complete the Slav gopnik look!
  23. jukaga

    "My leg is in pain" and desaturated screen

    Unless something has changed, splinting also gets rid of excessive weapon sway when you are still and at rest. There are fractures/breaks that don't get a status message but are still there. I'm sure most were aware of this but I thought I'd share. If I have room, I always try to carry a crafted splint in my bag when going to combat.
  24. jukaga

    Beards confirmed in Dayz SA

    Cooking oil and a sharp knife will do. I stopped using creams and gels and use a prepared olive oil for my cheeks and throat. I have a chinstrap goatee and the transparent oil not only lets me see what I'm doing but the hair comes off without a hitch.
  25. jukaga

    Does low-loot server exist?

    Yep, I would love to see 100+ man servers, hell even the 80 man servers would be great. Big stability problems last time tho.