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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. jukaga

    What do you do after Gearing up?

    You could... look for a truck look for better guns explore part of the map you haven't visited head to a mil base or the coast for pvp help out new spawns kill new spawns then eat them choose a role, and try to play it lots of different things
  2. jukaga

    Most Horrible Thing Ever Happened

    Yeah, I stashed a bunch of my gear just in case before I drove one around, it paid off!
  3. jukaga

    Favourite kills

    Hard to say really what my favorite was. My last one was both funny and sad, I ran into a random along the coast and talked for a while. He was very carefree and didn't seem concerned. While he was looting I shot him once in the head and quickly apologized to him for the few seconds he could still hear me letting him know I was hungry and intended to eat him. I did then proceed to eat him, felt a little bad cause he was quite friendly but I was starving and wanted to try out cannibalism. I tried to feed a bambi some but when he saw what it was he tried to run off so I fed him a round as well.
  4. jukaga

    Favourite kills

    Was he giving you the finger outside of Berezino? That was me. Funniest death ever from my perspective.
  5. jukaga

    I am a lover, not a fighter...

    I admire your shameless reveling in the gourmet killer you are, kudos sir. Glad this venue lets you get these needs out in a safe environment.
  6. Innocents that you stumble on logging I take on a case by case basis. A geared dude with a tricked out M4? BLAMMO, thanks for the kit mate. A freshie with a sledgehammer and a kid's backpack? He gets a break. A clear-cut combat logger, even one with no gear? Death to you!
  7. jukaga

    V35 truck vanish after a server reset.

    Ah, I thought they kept in up to 20 in stable because, well they are pretty much useless other than for tooling around atm.
  8. jukaga

    is DayZ the best FPS ever made?

    Killing people in this game is more satisfying than most, save for EvE online. Nothing like seeing thousands of real dollars go up in a flash.
  9. jukaga

    V35 truck vanish after a server reset.

    Yeah, don't get attached to the placeholder truck. There are 20 per server per restart, they are not hard to find.
  10. jukaga

    1 Fireaxe vs 3 Armed Cannibals / Against All Odds

    Well done sir, beans for you.
  11. jukaga

    I am a lover, not a fighter...

    I do have to try crafting a bow and arrows sometime, maybe tonight cause my geared guy died last night to a hacker a-hole. Thanks for the inspiration OP.
  12. jukaga

    Loot gnomes

    The last few days, every time I log in a choice piece of loot has been missing from my bag. I've lost 2 75rd drums, and a protector case with a LRS, PU, and rangefinder in three separate incidents. Now I know this can happen from time to time but I'm not used to losing something every day! And of course it has to be great stuff like that that goes missing. Anyone else suffering repeated attacks from the loot gnomes with this last patch?
  13. jukaga

    Loot gnomes

    I don't believe so. I had found a truck up in the middle of the map in a small town and had driven it down to the coast on the highway looking for a random to pick up and scoot around with. Ran out of gas on the bridge by the coastal factory. Hoofed it to look for a jerry can, was checking out a coastal gas station when all of the sudden without any warning I start taking melee hits out of nowhere. Couldn't see anything or hear anything, then I died. It was a 15/40 server at twilight.
  14. jukaga

    I am a lover, not a fighter...

    I'd ditch the derringer for something as common but actually useful, like the magnum revolver. Neat play style though, I like playing the bushman too for a bit then get the itch for some interaction so it only lasts around half of a play session for me.
  15. It brings great joy to kill the combat logger that thought they escaped you.
  16. jukaga

    Loot gnomes

    Sorry for the rage, I had that guy alive for 2 months. He died last night to an invisible, silent melee hacker to make things worse. I have around 1000+ combined hours in the mod and SA.
  17. Couldn't find any for weeks, I've found 2 over the weekend. Lost one filled with goodies to a bug.
  18. jukaga

    Loot gnomes

    That must be it! I left two 4 blocks open at the top and had the loot concentrated on the bottom, thanks for the solid info bro.
  19. jukaga

    Loot gnomes

    Fuck you noob, I play legit.
  20. jukaga

    Social psychology

    No punishments post-death. It's a new character and previous actions, diseases, broken limbs and whatever should not carry over.
  21. jukaga

    Hey... You friendly?

    I like to meet and talk with randoms but will never play long with them. Betrayal is a constant threat and grouping with someone over in game chat is inviting death by that other player you didn't see. For some reason people when they group up, even with randoms seem to lose all caution and run around talking openly like it was a Sunday walk in the park. Or, that guy you just met at Industrial on your way to Elektro is just baiting you for his buddy with the SKS around the next hill. Just not worth it. That said, I do like talking to people briefly and will offer supplies to freshies if I have anything to spare.
  22. jukaga

    best city to pvp in

    It's one of my favorite stops on my way north, never seen anyone else there.
  23. So in the interests of testing the new cannibalism feature and the fact that my guy was near starving I decided to carve up a corpse and cook it up. After eating the cooked flesh about 20 minutes later I got the hysterical laugh and my aim gets janked about every 5 seconds or so. It was my understanding that this only occured if you ate the meat raw. I made sure it was cooked before I ate it so I'm wondering if it's different on stable and if the aim janking will go away.
  24. jukaga

    Tents on non persistent servers.

    Until they stay persistent and there is no longer a need to pack them up every Wednesday they for me at least are a pointless exercise in futility. All the time hiding it, filling it up only to have to pack it up and move it to do it all over again is time you could spend looting new gear. If it floats your boat, fine but I don't see the point outside of bug testing them to even bother.
  25. If people are going to start putting up pallisades, I want to be able to make a ballista!