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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. jukaga

    Dude, he's trolling you. Respawning means you'll be back on the beach with no gun. If you spawn in without your gear, try another server. But. don't. hit. respawn. unless you want to start over
  2. jukaga

    All gear is gone....

  3. jukaga

    weeping angel...

  4. jukaga

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Anyone know what mod is running in the op? That looks like a great alternative when I need some open world zombie fix but only have 30 minutes to game. Looks really, really good.
  5. jukaga

    Arma coming to Mac?

    Really? I consider high end to be the uber geeks who drop $3000+ on their rigs, buying brand new graphics cards that they don't need at launch, top flight 50 button mice, $400 headphones (just dropped $120 on some virtual 7.1s.... love em :D) that sort of thing. $1200 is mid-tier, lets you play at HD res with good textures at 30-50 fps most games. Good enough for 95% of us, but there are always people who think they need to run games at 60fps and higher, though I think the human eye can't distinguish past a certain level. *I should clarify, I have a nice gaming laptop, an equivalent desktop would be around $800-1000 I guess.*
  6. jukaga

    Arma coming to Mac?

    Every game forum I belong to has a Mac thread once in a while. Face it buddy, Macs are underpowered, overpriced and not suited at all to PC gaming. You can get a perfectly servicable PC that will play all new games in 1920*1080 with high settings for around $1200 these days. Not top of the line, but it will get the job done.
  7. jukaga

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Great compromise idea. You get the immediate terror of a runner in your face and the creeping dread of that horde of 100 shamblers making it's way to you across a city, getting bigger every minute as new shamblers join the parade. Think World War Z rules of zombies reacting to the 'spotted food' moan that the zombies that noticed you make. Soon, you have 3 or 4 huge packs converging on your location from different directions. Oh, and you're under fire from a bandit sniper. That scenario beats the pants off the predictable screeching infected beelining straight for you.
  8. jukaga

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    Dead Island does this well, distinguishing between recently 'infected' who can run, and rotten zombified 'walkers'.
  9. jukaga

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    I have to throw my support behind Romero-type zombies. Follow the lore and make them only killable by head shots and appear in vast numbers. It would be nice if they roamed as well. I had a Romero-World War Z situation in DayZ already. Camping in Berezino appts, for the hell of it I sniped a zed with my M14 AIM when all hell broke loose. The zeds knew something was up, but not exactly where. Creeping around the top floor I see zeds lumbering in from all directions in great numbers. It was terrifying and fun at the same time. I made enough noise that they figured out where I was... the sound of the horde climbing the stairs one at a time was really scary. I had to pop at least 30 or so before the horde dried up. If we do go the slow shambling zombie route at some point, I hope we have a fatigue system where we cannot run infinitely long without resting, it would set up some interesting tortoise vs. hare dynamics if you hade a horde on your heels.
  10. jukaga

    Castle Rog and others

    Castles are okay, they spawn general loot. If you are lucky you can find a ghillie. They usually have 5 or so zeds that spawn around the perimeter. The keeps are actually quite fortifyable, as they only have one entrance.
  11. jukaga

    Someone Should Gift Me Arma :)

    If $19.99 breaks the bank, turn off the computer and get a job.
  12. jukaga

    4th of July Chern Fireworks Show.

    Great idea, the more emergent weirdness, the better.
  13. To be fair, from the story it sounded like he had an extra in his loot.
  14. jukaga

    plz some engame content plz

    So tired of the WOW mentality that some people have. There is no endgame. This is an experiment in emergent gameplay, not scripted raid BS or hogwash. YOU write your own story!
  15. jukaga

    DayZ - The Priest has arrived.

    I saw some priests last night as well, they were acting strange but I didn't stick around, I got the fuck out of there. (Was watching through binoculars)
  16. Seriously you play with the music on?
  17. I think we need to emphasize civilian weapons as well, but not to exclude all military firearms. Just make them more rare. One equipment beef I have is the current camo outfit with the lame short sleeves, can we PLEASE switch it out for either the Marine pattern or the opfor/Russian camo from arma 2? British summer fatigues just don't fit at all in Chernarus.
  18. I almost thought it was live last night, it was likely my imagination, but the zombies seemed to be acting different and better than normal.
  19. My backcountry hermit lived for 33 days, complete with NW runs, stary runs and what have you. I was killed by a server hopper at the northern barracks because I wasn't sure he was a hopper, my squad was running a farm there and I assumed the guy was just one of us. Didn't lose my gear, a buddy gave me an atv ride back to the airfield and I got my gear back. That was saturday-sunday, goin strong on 4-5 days now though I almost bought it in Berezino last night at the hospital.
  20. Check the online maps, there is one next to the hangars and fire station side, and there is another in the SW corner of the airbase, in a wooded area with plenty of other buildings.
  21. I'm looking to join a group that preferably plays on Seattle based servers as I get great ping from those. I want to join up with a TS using group and raid, kill and survive with like minded people. Many of the recruiting threads here seem to go nowhere but I figured I'd try again. I'm on day 30 of my current life, usually play 2-6 hours a night depending on circumstances. I've got good gear and a decent shot.
  22. Last night, 2 shots from my MP5SD, but yeah I remember once taking a full mak clip to do it, so it must depend on a sweet spot or is random.
  23. Found tons in Berezino hospital last night, along with every other med. I looted my first antibiotic as well. --Bottlerocket: nope, you can shoot any part of the plate glass windows to get in.