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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. Running on Very High settings, normal AA and I get 40-60 fps consistently. This is on a I7 laptop with a 460M card. Remember to have that video memory setting to default.
  2. No, no and no. Learn to embrace the night, her arms are wide open. Carpe Noctem.
  3. I've got no problem with pking, it's fun to do, educational when it happens to you and part of the game. What I do find hilarious are all the internet tough guys saying in a REAL zombie apocalypse, I'd kill anyone I saw for their supplies just to survive a few more days. Really? In the impossible situation of a zombie apocalypse I'd honestly rather be dead by my own hands. Why would you want to prolong the agony of surviving in that hell? There will never be a new book written, or a new movie filmed. All your food from now on will be preserved crap or whatever you manage to hunt and kill. Relationships will devolve to either rape or caveman alpha-male dominance in a group. Quality of life is nil. You will never raise a family. I could go on, but fuck who would want to live like that?
  4. It's fun but useless. Someone could just server hop through your walls and get your stuff.
  5. jukaga


    It would be a more useful gun if you could aim down the iron sights during daytime. Anyone play RO2? Their scoped rifles all have an alternate aim system down the iron sights when your target is too close to use the telescopic sight. I've been rolling with one and a Bizon for a while, getting kida bored and thinkin of jumping into some bean wars to respawn.
  6. That I can get behind. I would like to see more loot randomization. It should be more likely for those military spawns in NWAF or Stary but why not a small chance that they could spawn anywhere?
  7. Great story and very well written. Sounds like it was one hell of a fight! Kudos to both sides for no d/c.
  8. Greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At least a 2000 sq km representation. You've got a city, burbs, farms and industrial areas and it's the 'birthplace' of modern zombies.
  9. If you can't afford a $30 (or is it $20?) bill then gaming should be the least of your priorities. Get off your ass and get a job. It's fucking pathetic seeing you beggars in forums with your hand out for a free ride. Loser.
  10. Do admins have some gods-eye view flying camera or something? How would an admin know you were looting his tents if he wasn't there. Maybe that magic admin camera needs to be disabled to end this admin abuse.
  11. jukaga

    10 murders in 7 minutes

    I gotta agree. I don't think shooting beaners on the coast is the height of awesomeness but the uber-elite BS attitude amongst some bandits is frankly absurd. If my objective is to kill people then why wouldn't I seek every possible advantage over my prey? It's like those UN pussies who cry about disproportionate response when a first world nation drops the hammer on terrorists. WHY would you give your opponents a chance to strike back at you if you can help it?
  12. It's just good policy. Group up with 2 or 3 other guys and tell me you won't be shooting everyone else on sight.
  13. jukaga

    Makarov SD

    Imported from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. most likely. Now if only I could find an FN2000. Seriously I think that is a hacked item, I've never heard of a MakSD in the game, but would make more sense than a Barretta SD.
  14. jukaga

    Made a piece of art for dayz.

    No offense, but that is just terrible. It looks like indie-adventure game art from 1998. Should be in the gallery forum as well, not GD.
  15. jukaga

    Unique Players?

    Is it possible to have two keys on the same steam account? I've been wanting to make a new bean warrior character so I don't needlessly risk my fully equipped dude in Elektro/Cherno.
  16. jukaga

    What the fuck.

    Deffo desync. I fed a guy in an industrial building with about 2 mags to no effect then I died from unknown causes.
  17. It truly is amazing. Once you see it you understand why it's called the Milky Way.
  18. Who uses it though? It's like sparking a flare and standing in the middle of it waiting for someone to kill you. About the only time I use a flashlight is to briefly light up a room with loot in it. Besides, the flashlight really sucks, it only lights up that little circle and puts out no ambient light, but it can be seen by others from the max view distance.
  19. jukaga

    Putting the Good Stuff in OUR Hands

    Any wasteland doctor worth their salt thought of this ages ago and only goes out on calls with minimum medical supplies and maybe a pistol or winchester. There are far higher-priority targets than these guys. A better idea would be to follow a known doctor around and prey on their patients. NVG, GPS, rangefinders and high-end weapons are more likely to be looted from patients than smart doctor players. I guess if you really need that morphine or painkiller, fine but they won't be carrying more than 1-2 of each and certainly no antibiotics.
  20. +1 Anyone who has been backcountry camping can confim this. I love the dark nights, I'm glad they aren't totally realistic then it would be literally impossible to play.
  21. You gotta be fully standing up and running at it to work, but yeah, it works every time.
  22. jukaga

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    No autorun, the map is small enough as it is. Personally for the final product I'm hoping for 1000sq km +, with a realistic sized city and suburbs and surrounding countryside. The fact I and everyone can run from one end to the other in 30 minutes is far too low for a sandbox roaming world, but hey, it's an alpha. I am 95% sure that the final product, whatever form it takes will not be taking place in Chernarus.
  23. jukaga

    I Feel Bad for New Players

    I do miss the heady days of May, when everything was new and fresh! I didn't know where anything spawned, grouping with a few pubs was possible without being immediately shot, it was a MAJOR event finding that first Lee Enfield and map. Nostalgia for 2 and a half months ago... lol
  24. A zombie mode might be a fun diversion at some point. Imagine hiding in lootable buildings in Cherno and attacking unwary survivors.
  25. jukaga

    Poll: should DayZ have classes?

    I think some sort of class system could work. For instance, not everyone is trained to repair helicopters, give medical treatment ect. If there was a list of appropriate skills and say you could choose 3; civilian weapons proficiency, land vehicle repair and fortification construction... just an idea. Say in that scenario I found a AK-47 Kobra, I could still use it but be slower on the reload and readying it for firing.