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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. jukaga

    I found THE BEST easter egg ever!

    Where did you get the used car salesman outfit?
  2. I don't usually dump on people, but that is some terribad play at the start. Shooting at harmless zombies? Pigs? Right next to electro? If we were on TS together I would be raging at you to get some discipline and stop giving away our position.
  3. Fixing a chopper up in your first 8 hours? You must have some experienced buddies. Get them to show you the ropes.
  4. jukaga

    Why the Hero skin is useless

    I like having a distinctive skin, but I would rather the bandit mask appear as a traditional bandit bandanna across the face, it would look better than the jihad-head we are stuck with for now.
  5. jukaga


    Get a grip, op. PVP is a critical part of this game, trust me after a few weeks of surviving, you'll be hauling that AS50 to sniper's hill to try to pop some heads. Observe, adapt, overcome. Why were you surprised that you were shot within sight of 5 bodies lying in the street? Did you think to plan your route to maximize cover? Did you serpentine while you moved? Did you think of where you would be if you were a sniper shooting at that spot? Did it occur to you to sweep a wide arc around that spot and hunt for him or if you weren't up for it how about disengage, keep buildings between you and the hill and get the fuck out of dodge? You had so many options in that situation but did the stupid thing and ran in the open with no plan and got shot. Chalk it up to a learning experience and put those lessons to use next time you are in a similar situation. Get some friends on Skype or TS, work together and guard each other's corpses when you die, trade loot, build a car together. It's a much better game with buds to run with.
  6. If you are having problems with snipers, why not get some buddies together, set up counter sniping positions and run a sweep with cqb equipped guys along the hillsides rather than asking for bs solutions to non problems. Last I checked gaming was for fun not for gathering loot. Sandbox play demands player solutions to problems, not bleating to the devs.
  7. jukaga

    Great Update

    Is it really so hard to change your resolution and change it back? Fixes artifacts for me 100% of the time.
  8. Too bad he's a god mode hacker, otherwise Hubert would have my beans.
  9. jukaga

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    :D Dude that is a pretty obvious dupe/hack screenshot you got there. A fresh character with NO kills heavily armed like that? C'mon.
  10. jukaga

    Don't call while flying.

    Yeah, it's a good idea to put RL on hold while you are with your mates in DayZ. :D
  11. jukaga

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Sure, cause they look great in the nouveau 21st century art deco style that those places all have to impress customers, Macs haven't been a technically superior choice for graphic design and web design since the late 90s. And face it, the vast majority of mac customers are computer illiterate and like their packaged, sealed box overpriced facetime/itunes/angrybirds machine.
  12. jukaga

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    If you want to play games, get a PC. If you want a wildly overpriced consumer toy, get a mac. /thread
  13. jukaga

    Neerg Mountain curse is spreading!!

    My crazy uncle gave me his fortune in his will on the condition that I would stay in the GM radio tower from dusk till dawn. I am still poor.
  14. Find a friend to show you the ropes, or join one of the big survivor groups. It was easier as a noob back in may-june before the universal KOS policy and rampant hacking, but once you get the hang of it you can be kitted up with decent gear and an assault rifle within 30 minutes of spawning. Keep at it, adapt your playing style and don't rage over deaths.
  15. NVGs aren't the problem, it's L85 see you glowing in the bush from 1000 meters away that needs to be removed. NVGs are useful, but no better than decent gamma settings. L85 is like a magic wand.
  16. Likely even when the commercial product is out, there will be private hive servers for the 'original' DayZ.
  17. The problem with blowing up duper camps is... they can always dupe more. :D
  18. jukaga

    ArmA III(DayZ stand alone) engine improvements

    From what I hear, if you can run Arma2, Arma3 will run better. No issue for me, runs great at 1080 with max settings. :D
  19. jukaga

    Deer stands.

    Green Mountain has 3-4 around the perimeter. Don't believe the urban legends, it's perfectly safe.
  20. Last night I encountered two crippled noobs in Balota after a fresh respawn. I had only the bandage and painkillers to my name. I looked around for a morphine or a gun. Found an AK in the camp south of the airfield. :( Felt like Two Face, had I found a morphine, they would have lived.
  21. Don't see the big hardon people have for vehicles, minus the helis for obvious reasons. They are big noisy targets that do what? Cut 20 minutes off a NWAF run? All that work scrounging supplies, fuel and shit just to lose them to a stump you hit or a sniper or better yet a hacker? Bah. If I find one with my group we tool around in it for a while but we don't get that attached to them. By myself I like taking them on a coastal highway joyride riding the horn the whole time, getting shot at then crashing the fucker somewhere in Electro for kicks.
  22. jukaga


    NWAF is dead right now. I guess fear of pvp and artifacts are keeping people away. Quick tip: changing your resolution fixes the artifacts problems people.
  23. jukaga


    Bah. Here is a tip for everyone, stay off the frickkin runway. It's so easy to go in to the southern barracks and get out in 5 minutes that unless you run into someone doing the same you'll be fine. Hell on the weekend I was looking for some specific gear and farmed the southern barracks by myself for 4 hours and not a soul came by in all that time, this was on an average 25/50 server.
  24. jukaga

    To all spawn killers out there!

    Target practice or I want your bandage. Seriously, don't be so butthurt by it, this is a pvp centric game and while I don't go out of my way to kill beaners, if you cross my sights likely I will shoot you. I always find it exhilerating starting with a clean slate on the beach, if I'm getting popped by a sniper... I AVOID THAT AREA TILL I CAN FIGHT BACK.
  25. Am I doing something wrong? Hundreds of hours since May and I've yet to encounter one of these malicious hackers. I do tend to play in the graveyard hours so that must have something to do with it.