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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. jukaga

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    It can use both STANAG SD and special G36 SD ammo, no difference between the two. It's no big deal really, I have one in my tent. It's just a reskinned M4A1 SD with a holo sight that's not as good as the M4 SD sight. They're getting more common as they are duped I suspect. These days I'm rolling with just an FN and a M9SD, a perfect combo!
  2. I keep an As50 in my tent for whatever but I prefer to roll with the DMR if I'm going to be sniping. Lately though I've been far more entertained playing CQB with my FAL. That gun is a man-killer!
  3. I'm sorry but I almost died laughing at this. "Biggest names in streaming" indeed. Internet celebrities lol.
  4. Beans to a fellow FAL lover!
  5. jukaga

    1 rock 2 birds

    Cherish that Mk48, it's my fav automatic weapon. I have been searching for a replacement since I was killed with mine. say... what server do you play on? Wanna team up? :)
  6. jukaga

    Is the mod dead?

    I met a guy wearing jeans, 501s, beastie tee, nipple ring new tattoo In between sips of Coke he told me that he thought we were selling out laying down sucking up to the man Well now I've got some advice for you little buddy Before you point the finger you should know that I'm the Man I'm the Man, he's the man and you're the fucking Man as well so you can point that fucking finger up your ass! Yeah, this FREE MOD is really making you suffer. Rocket MADE you plunk down $30 for Arma2 to play this amazing experiment. SHAME on him for attracting due attention in the media because of the innovative sandbox play HOW DARE he parley his hard work and imagination into a commercial product? What is this? A free market society that rewards imagination and hard work! How unfair, I sit on my ass wiping cheetos crumbs from my face I deserve free shit that is supported forever! By the way jackwad, Rocket will continue to update the mod alongside the standalone.
  7. Loot farming is hard work and 100% legit way of playing. Ever tried to get enough stuff to repair a chopper? Didn't think so.
  8. jukaga

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    Check the server hosting agreement. You are breaking it.
  9. What is with all the butthurt in this thread? Good, funny scams like this make DayZ what it is! Don't rage at him, get even! Christ, it's a fucking game people! WAHHHHHHH MEAN MAN STOLE MY CAR! Beans for op.
  10. Everyone click on the Russian's link, looks legit to me.
  11. jukaga

    M4A3 ACOG GL

    M4A1 HWS M203 One of the 'common' rares I still haven't found, I so want this gun.
  12. That's alot of work to scam you out of an As50 TWS considering they grow out of the grass of Elektro like weeds now. Sounds like you need better friends. I suggest joining one of the bigger survivor groups, find other disgruntled people who think their RoEs are stupid and bail and form your own squad.
  13. hmm let's see TL:DR ... no doesnt apply, well maybe for some of the ADD nitwits hackers? yup they suck gear? yeah don't get attached to your gear alpha? yeah, you are not playing, you are alpha testing! hmmm, think that's the pretty standard responses did i miss anything? guys?
  14. Busses are deathtraps bro, but by all means start up your Chernarus Transit service. :)
  15. Please find me a server that has the fog to 1600m and beyond. Lucky to get 800m visibility it seems.
  16. So true. Step 1: Go to Elektro, avoid getting sniped Step 2: Run around listening for flies, find and loot AS50tws, nvg, rangefinder off the 20 dead dupers lying around the field Step 3: ???? profit
  17. Gorgeous shots, you must have a beast of a rig to get it to look like that.
  18. Alt-f4ers miss the joy of respawning on the beach to look for an axe... I love the freedom and exhilaration of running around with a mak and hatchet, randomly helping some guys and randomly chasing them down with the axe. The game gets seriously boring when all it is: snipe from sniper's hill in elektro-die-regear-repeat over and over again.
  19. jukaga

    Golden Revolver

    I think the gold weapons are for a jihad warlord npc in the OA expansion campaign.
  20. jukaga

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    I think it's cute how people go to the ends of the map to hide their tents when there are some incredible tent spots 5 minutes from the beach that very few people suspect even exist. :) Much quicker to re-gear when you don't have to run for an hour.
  21. No one goes to the NWAF anymore. :( Even Stary feels pretty lonely these days. Seriously? There are some good postions across the landing strips by the northern barracks. The local sniper hill there has some good vantage points.
  22. jukaga

    Golden Revolver

    Nope, that is no proof at all. If it was a hacker, he'd have god mode, invis, tele powers and whatever else. All you can tell for sure is that this guy picked up some hacked weapons somewhere which is not against any published rules of conduct.
  23. jukaga

    Golden Revolver

    Feel free to use the G36 SD, it's just a re-skinned m4a1 SD, no one is going to ban you for it
  24. I'm glad I re-geared at my tents last night after dying in some pvp. I noticed the hive crash about a half hour after I left the tents, I didn't want to go looking for another M24 after losing 3 on the weekend to tents and hackers.
  25. jukaga

    Consoles eh?

    Are you kidding? Skyrim looks like garbage on the Xbox. Compare it to even a mid range computer and the difference is stunning, never mind the mods. Oddly enough, I do play Skyrim with a 360 controller on my TV, the analog controls are quite good.