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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. I'll add that we need both the marine uniform and the warsaw pact style uniform. I HATE the camo t-shirt outfit we have now, it looks so poor compared to the proper soldier uniforms in the game. Sometimes I feel that we are being trolled, there are dozens of skins already in the game and all we get to choose from is the wookie suit and the lamest camo clothing in the game.
  2. Post the correct video, i want to see this...
  3. If I can strap a satchel charge on him and get him to run into an enemy camp, I'm all for it. Imagine placing a CB radio and a bomb on a dog, dog runs into camp, CB opens up 'put all of your high tier loot in the dog's pouch or I detonate. Anyone move from the camp, I detonate. You have 1 minute to fully comply'. awesome!
  4. jukaga

    This game. THIS FUCKING GAME.

    Good stuff. Emergent gameplay at it's finest. You will get a bunch of 'cool story bro' and 'pics or it didn't happen' but thanks for sharing anyways. I love the memorable situations this game generates.
  5. No one has ever found my tents. I keep them close to the coast so there is no epic Forrest Gump run to get back to them to gear up again.
  6. jukaga

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    It won't do a thing, except delay the high tier loot by a day or two while hackers bring in new loot cans and farmers start duping NVG, RF, AS50, Coyote packs and other high tier loot. By the end of the week, it would be like the wipe never happened. Then what, people start petitioning for weekly wipes and our 'persistent' game is no longer persistent. In any event, the mod is 'dead', I'm waiting for the standalone.
  7. Cars will instafix if you get out and in after an impact. Sure, it's a bit of an exploit but getting massive engine damage from bumping into some rubble or a fence is stupid.
  8. jukaga

    Underrated Weapons

    I love the mk48 mod 0, I'd love it more if I could find another one! I feel that the FN FAL is very underrated. It has very nice iron sights and in three round burst mode kills everytime. It looks great, barks like the hound of satan and is just plain cool. Ideal kit: FN, M24/DMR (no preference, love em both) and an M9sd for dealing with zeds and I am am happy camper. I only got my mk48 of a player I killed, do they only spawn at the barracks or can you find them in heli sites?
  9. True, but seriously 99% of them in circulation now have to be spawned from a hacker box or duped. They are more common now than CZ or DMR sniper rifles.
  10. Do yourself a favor and don't look at the loot maps for a while. 90% of the initial joy I had in this game was stumbling around not knowing anything about spawn locations. I will give you this one tip: check treelines for deerstands. You'll have a chance of finding military grade weapons.
  11. It looks 10x cooler, thats all. I have a hate on for SD rifles anyways. Weak, and only useful for popping zeds. That said, I do keep a G36SD in my tent for looks. Ideal kit: FN FAL, DMR/M24, M9SD.
  12. Dude it's the internet, calling me a 'puss' in a half-serious thread about zombies wasn't a harsh reply. Apology accepted though. :)
  13. Early Republican Rome had the eldest and most experienced veterans organized in Phalanx-like units called the Triarii, but the more well known Imperial Legions (and mid to late Republican) had done away with that in favor of standardized javelin and sword equipped heavy infantry. So... we're both right sorta.
  14. Here's an idea: rent a backhoe or bobcat and dig out a 10x10 foot trench around your property and fit sharpened stakes in and around it. Fill it up with flamable material like brush soaked in diesel oil and you'll have one hell of an obstacle for anyone to get over. You could build a berm on your side of the trench with the excavated dirt to make it more secure and imposing. Prepare firing positions along the berm every 20 meters or so and you're good. Of course, you might not want a large WW1 style fortification on your property but it would do the trick. :)
  15. Whatever bro. I feel survival only has a point if there is something to survive for. In an apocalypse scenario, be it undead, nuclear fallout, dinosaur killer impact or super deadly plague your survival existence would essentially be that of the novel/film The Road. Completely hopeless. Survival isn't enough, there would be no quality of life to that life and so it would not be worth living. In a disaster situation, that is completely different. You can rebuild and live again. Squatting in the bush, hiding from cannibal freaks, eating expired canned food for the rest of your miserable life?... no thanks.
  16. Romans didn't use phalanxes guy, it was the Greeks. BIG difference between hoplite phalanx warfare and Roman heavy infantry equipment and tactics.
  17. Pistols are the worst possible choice for dealing with zombies. Do you really want to get that close? I'd keep the .22 pistol for last ditch holdouts and roll with a 30 caliber semi auto rifle for my main. Of course you want to be packing a nice sharpened machete or hatchet.
  18. I shoot heroes, bandits and survivors on sight, unless they're a fresh spawn. I'm pretty friendly and helpful on the beach to new players, but when I'm geared and with my crew, everyone has a bulls eye marked out on them. It's nothing personal, it's DayZ!
  19. I own several weapons, melee and ranged. I have a quality backpack with food, water, medical supplies and clothing ready to go. I have outdoors experience and the will and means to hunt for food. However, if the impossible situation occurred and there was a real zombie outbreak, I'd rather be dead. I'm more prepared for an earthquake/civil unrest scenario. The dead or infected taking over the planet? I'm checking out.
  20. jukaga


    Or you could take a stroll around Elektro on a high pop server and listen for flies. You will find an AS50 in less than an hour, guaranteed.
  21. jukaga

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    Nah, I could really care less. Anyone running scripts on our server gets a swift boot and ban. The other day I was attacked by one of those mini-gun head hackers. Reported it and the admins found him in the logs and gave him the boot. Same with some rave party hackers, even though they were pretty funny they had to go as well. A few hacked in guns in circulation? No big deal unless they are TWS'. G36SD does not give any more advantage than an M4SD does, and they grow off trees.
  22. jukaga

    How did you kill your first victim?

    I guess it was back in May, early June. I was headin' into Cherno at night and noticed a flare at that little log house on the hill along the coast. Crept in, saw a dude in a bandit skin and opened up on him with my 74. Grabbed his Kobra to replace it and some other gear and moved on. I left the vanilla 74 on his corpse so he could come and get it back. Oh the days of seeing flares at night, how I miss thee.
  23. jukaga

    Looking for M16A4 ACOG

    They kinda suck. They have the range, but not the stopping power of a decent mid range weapon. Better to roll with a DMR, something that has killing power. Better yet, learn to fire with iron sights and pick up a FAL; best all round weapon in the game in my opinion. Mags can be a little hard to come by.
  24. jukaga

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    So would my complaint, and your server getting shut down for violating the hosting agreement. Luckily, I play on a more enlightened server that actively bans hackers and stays within the hosting agreement and doesn't hand out unjust bans for legal playing behavior. :)
  25. jukaga

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    Self righteous people in this thread: get off your high horse. There are no rules getting broken when you pick up and use spawned in weapons. Period. Other than the TWS, most of them are no big deal. PDW-SD is garbage, just like the normal PDW and the G36 is just an M4 with a different skin. I toss the TWS' I find in corpses and bury them but have no problem rolling with a G36 SD. It's a shit gun for PvP anyways.