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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. jukaga

    Trade Revolver(gold) for 3tents!

    I was thinking N64 Goldeneye myself.
  2. jukaga

    man duck this ship

    The less scrubs the better. Besides, these mooks will still be buying the standalone, despite their bitching. I second the private hive suggestion though.
  3. jukaga

    man duck this ship

    We're really going to miss you, with all of your contributions to the community and your stellar play. Truly a great loss for the DayZ community. :(
  4. Cool video. Anyone know how many of those buildings are enterable?
  5. jukaga

    Dayz = PvP

    You should have started hunting them and you would be the infamous bandit murderer in Elektro on side chat. You missed out being the big fish there man.
  6. Guys guys guys, until the standalone is out get yourselves to a well-admin'd private hive. No hackers/scripters, no exploits, still are douches, but hell it's DayZ. Playing last night felt like May. I was grouping with random survivors and trading, fighting in thrilling low end gun battles in Elektro and not a single AS50 boom to be heard. I was starting to sour on DayZ, but the well policed private hives have brought me back, and it's fun again.
  7. jukaga

    ...I was so very wrong.

    You'd think the hackers would get bored with hacking/scripting DayZ. I mean there are so many lulls in the action unlike BF3 or whatever that I figured most of them would have moved on to greener pastures by now. How many times can you do the DayZ rave dance party, or invisistalk someone with godmode on until it gets boring?
  8. jukaga

    Cant pick up Packed camping tent

    What happens when you pack up a tent stocked with goods? I've never tried it because I'm afraid of all the gear inside vanishing.
  9. I thought it has been made clear that WarZ is a fraud. A ripped off concept on a really, really shitty engine who's only advantage over the DayZ mod is the inventory system; which is getting a complete overhaul with the standalone.
  10. jukaga

    Betrayed. On tape.

    OP is doing nothing wrong using the hacked in gun, as Rocket has clearly said numerous times. Use those soldier outfits, G36C camo and whatever else have you, it's no big deal. I draw the line at the AS50 TWS as it's pretty much an 'I win!' button, but as for the rest, big deal, they are cosmetic changes at worst and give no benefits or advantages that 'legit' guns give you.
  11. Given that the rest of BI's catalog is available on Steam and 99% of DayZ players bought Arma2 CO on steam I think the logical assumption, unless of course BI marketing likes to stick their fingers into electric sockets, would be that yes, DayZ standalone will be released on Steam.
  12. Off topic, but did DUST ever make it to fruition? I just didn't have the time or energy to sink into EVE properly but was keeping half an eye on DUST, though I think I recall it was supposed to be a 360 exclusive. (retarded)
  13. Soldier clothing looks sweet, and ghillies are poor in urban environments. I usually use the zombie face, paired with the soldier skin, I swear some people have thought I was a zed and didn't fire on me in CQB to their eternal regret. I lost my last soldier clothing in a derp solo attack on a dude with a bus, didn't see his buddy with the DMR who got me. I'm looking for another one.
  14. jukaga

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    Barbed wire has no uses other than griefing beaners? Wrong.
  15. jukaga

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    Pretty much. It's not 100% accurate but it is an indicator of immaturity, self-obsession and entitlement. It's funny, cause I enjoy some of the better Japanese animation but the folks who wrap themselves in it online are almost as damaged as Bronies.
  16. jukaga

    Soldier Uniform

    You're right! It would be hours upon hours of work to enable ALREADY EXISTING SKINS in DayZ. There is no way the loot tables couldn't be adjusted in half an hour to include some new skins spawning in. IMPOSSIBLE.
  17. jukaga

    SurviveDayZ Servers

    This is a good group and they are running fun, hack free servers. The PVP is fun and constant, and I think I've only heard an AS50 boom once.
  18. Meh. The whole blood mechanic is kinda goofy anyways with no natural blood recovery so I don't see a problem from regaining health from food.
  19. My number one priority when starting a new hive character is to track down a tent and set up a camp, everything else is secondary. Once it's up, you can start doing Stary/Heli/NWAF runs to start filling it with goodies. When I have enough stuff to restock about 4 lives then I hunt. Then rinse and repeat. I have fun that way, but I guess it's not for everyone.
  20. jukaga

    Soldier Uniform

    Plus one. We really need more skins, and there are plenty available in ARMA I don't see why we are limited to the lame ass camo t-shirt and the ghillie. I'd like to see some 'hybrid' skins in the standalone; kinda like the slapdash hazmat armor you find in STALKER.
  21. Never seen it, but it should be in the game. I'm not entirely sure why NATO high end weps are relatively common but the only rare Soviet gear is the Bizon and SVD. One of my favorite STALKER guns, it was.
  22. Piece o' advice. When heli site hunting, leave your primary back in your tents. You will find a new gun soon enough and the pistol is sufficient to deal with zeds. On the plus side, if you get ganked you won't lose anything established and it leaves more room for grabbing that extra M14 or whatever. It's what I do and it works well.
  23. jukaga

    Hitman for hire.

    You gotta wonder at the lack of brains morons like this display. DURR IMA DAYZ HITMAN
  24. jukaga

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 or M14 Aim

    There needs to be an FN-holo or FN-ACOG. The iron sights vanilla version is good, but proper optics would be killer. OR how about a way to turn off the NVG on the PVS? So useless.
  25. jukaga

    How to survive the Takistani Desert

    It is a terrible map, terrible. Great for tank battles in Arma2, bad for DayZ. What the hell is a C-130 doing in DayZ?