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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. Stick + rags to splint your broken leg or find morphine or die and respawn check out the medic thread if you are desperate, someone may be able to help you welcome to dayZ!
  2. jukaga

    Role Playing Servers?

    I was lucky, my 1st girlfriend was my DM. She was a hot nerd girl and we played Dragonlance with a group of 4 guys and 3 girls. Good times.
  3. jukaga

    helo's still endgame!

    So we're combining DayZ with Sliders? Personally I'm hoping for private hives/whitelists not cross server hopping for supplies on a massive scale.
  4. jukaga

    solution for server-hopping !

    Better that then finding nothing and server hopping. Loot farmers make easy targets as well.
  5. jukaga

    Time cycle don't work.

    I've only been playing the SA for a week but I've yet to see night. Pretty sure I've seen dusk or dawn but no night yet.
  6. Game works fine for me. Decent FPS and the occasional lag or rubber banding but whatever, they're developing the game as we speak. Again, someone who clearly doesn't understand what they were getting into even though they had to see the warning on the buy page and click i understand again when the game loads up. Take your QQ and leave, at least Bohemia got your $$$ to help produce the game we're gonna be playing.
  7. jukaga

    Spawning of guns

    No, we will never spawn with 'whatever guns we want'. We will never spawn with any guns on the beach.
  8. jukaga

    Bug's in the latest release

    I'm not sure if I'm jealous your girlfriend plays games like DayZ or if I'm grateful mine doesn't. Free time is precious in a relationship.
  9. jukaga

    Acceptable behavior? aka 'Cool story Bro' time

    Heh, I remember in the days of my mod playing the amount of duping was just unbelievable. AS50s with thermal were EVERYWHERE. The fields in front of sniper hill in Elektro were so full of corpses stuffed to the gills with duped gear that you would never have to walk on grass if you didn't want to. Hacker boxes full of the entire ARMA2 arsenal at every bus stop. It was absurd.
  10. jukaga

    Sporter & Amphibia S Clip/Mag Spawn Locations?

    Oh I know about the mags, it's pretty absurd right now how rare they are. The spawn rates and locations need to be tweaked, but that's why we're in alpha.
  11. jukaga

    Sporter & Amphibia S Clip/Mag Spawn Locations?

    Even with a headshot? Max Brooks would be sad if that's the case.
  12. Why would anyone go there to be sniped? There's no loot spawning in apartment towers yet. I smell bait for an ambush.
  13. I dunno about the Machete. Cutting through thick muscle, sinew and bone with a machete would be absurdly hard, if not impossible in combat.
  14. Too bad there aren't any pro-Dayz 'White Hats' to shut these lo-lifes down. I don't think the price disuades 'real' hackers at all, since they likely have a database of stolen keys to fall back on. Do hackers just need to get laid? Is it as simple as that?
  15. I know how you feel, I played the mod for over a year and had to take a break from it, just picked up the SA over the weekend and I'm sucked right back in. Give it a break, play something else and I'm sure the bug will bite you again.
  16. Played the mod a ton, just got the SA on the weekend so I have a few questions. Mainly about reloads, is there a quicker way of reloading than opening my inventory? The keybindings say R but it does nothing. Also, I looted a pistol but am only able to chamber a single round, do I need to find magazines for a full load? IMO, guns should come with a single empty mag if that's the case. I know it's an alpha, but there must be some bugs, as I found a SKS and originally could only chamber a single round, then for some reason it allowed me to load a full mag an hour later. Am I doing something wrong? thanks
  17. jukaga

    Dumb questions on reloads

    Yep I found a FNX and that useless silenced .22 pistol, both without mags. Luckily, my slightly less useless 2 barrell doesnt need mags, but R still wont reload it.
  18. Stealth doesn't work at the moment so really I run full bore to an industrial site and look for an axe/pitchfork, deal with any uppity zeds and then slow things down a little.
  19. jukaga

    Dumb questions on reloads

    Ahh thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense, but damn if pistols aren't useless 1 round at a time.
  20. jukaga

    What I have been relegated to...

    I got killed as a new spawn in Electro firehall by two geared dudes who said they were going to let me go. I laughed when they shot me in the back; I should have attacked them with my pitchfork and hoped for the best. Last night I encountered a guy as I was moving west and him east on the coast. We both had decent early gear, axes, shotguns, hunter camo, backpacks... anyways we exchanged respectful greetings and continued on our seperate ways, so not everyone is KOS.
  21. jukaga

    Police stations and Pistols.

    Found 2 1911s and a couple of mags in a police station on saturday.
  22. I have occasionally robbed and taken people hostage and I'm always a bit disappointed that they didn't try and turn the tables on me or escape.
  23. Fully agree. I'll never combat log in that situation, but I will jihad with a grenade or charge you with an axe. I'd rather lose my full-kit toon before enduring the humiliation of being a thrall for some fat, power tripping acne coated neckbeard.
  24. jukaga

    My DayZ Experience - 15 Months Later

    Good story, thanks for posting it. That's the kind of shit that keeps me coming back to DayZ again and again.