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Everything posted by jukaga

  1. Rope-sack-sticks holds 16 slots I think. Enough for me, I can fit all I need in there. Though I do pick up hunter's packs to replace it. The Talon and Mountain packs are just 'shoot me' beacons.
  2. jukaga

    New pvp hot spot?

    I had an amazing 10+ person battle in Zeleno today. It was epic, there were squads co-operating against other squads, TS was a flutter with combat chatter, positions were held and lost. Opportunistic bambis looted corpses and joined the fray... then I woke up. To mis-quote a famous Swede, Berezino. Always Berezino.
  3. The map is progressing awesomely, but I agree, they need to add more burnt out cars, buildings, mass graves like in the mod.
  4. jukaga

    Burned boar meat = sick

    Neat. Find charcoal tabs asap to induce vomiting. You're not dead yet!
  5. There aren't different hives, well there are but it's very simple. Stable-Regular Stable-Hardcore Experimental-Regular Experimental-Hardcore
  6. The last time you died you logged out, and now the database isn't saving your character. It's a known issue, at the top of the changelog.
  7. Great post, I agree fully. I've been using the improvised backpack for those reasons, it leaves the shoulders clear for checking if someones behind you. That and it's a much smaller profile on your silhouette. It's got more than enough room, there is zero reason to haul those massive mountain backpacks around.
  8. jukaga

    So if you had an M4 before the 0.45 patch

    Either way who cares. Wiped? Be glad, you get to start fresh with the new loots!
  9. jukaga

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Balota tent city I bet is swimming in them, considering you could walk in and out with over a dozen various M4 mags before.
  10. jukaga

    Old School DayZ Server Idea

    Sometimes I too miss the Bean Wars days, frantic messaging in side chat, full nighttime servers with flare glare on the horizon. Any friendlies in Cherno?
  11. jukaga

    Geared and ready to wander......

    I've yet to figure out how getting punched breaks limbs and/or gear. Seems like it's a gamey mechanic to me. Go ahead, try punching clothes, metal tins, firearms or garden hoes you won't break them. Though some of them might break your fist. Zombie hits should do a bit of damage, have a chance of infection and have a chance to stagger you. Enough 'staggering' hits and you should get knocked out then they can eat you, but the absurd Chuck Norris power attacks need to stop. They make no sense.
  12. I play on hardcore servers all the time, filtered to the top of the list I get usually 20 choices, with at least two of them 40/40 and a bunch of 20-30/40 options so I don't get OP's rant.
  13. jukaga

    Diary of a Happy Camper

    I'm just too impatient to camp. Hours of nothing for a kill or two? The times I've tried it I get bored or paranoid from the sound glitches so I move on after a bit.
  14. jukaga

    Can server admins remove gear off of you?

    Invisible hacker I bet.
  15. Ever since the melee nerfs that require hits to the head to put down zeds in a reasonable amount of time I've questioned if it's worth it carrying an axe. It seems to put them down quicker than punching them in the face but due to the slow animation I was wondering if it was more efficient to use say a bayonet or machete to hit them in the head. A nice side benefit is a reduced silhouette with no axe sticking off your back. Anyone have hard facts on how many machete/bayonet strikes to the head vs. axe strikes to the head it takes to kill a zed?
  16. jukaga

    Your first kill

    In the mod, couldn't remember. March 2012 was a long time ago. For the standalone, I think it was my 2nd day in game. I was looting the hangars at the NWAF and this geared joker starts sprinting across the runway from the southwest barracks. I observe him for a while and he starts running towards me. Needless to say I rewarded him with some SKS rounds for his trouble. He might have been friendly but I learned long ago in the mod that you just dont run at people, especially at the NWAF.
  17. jukaga

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Indeed, but in stable atm at least it may be more efficient to bayonet them to the head or just punch them. I've noticed zeds who take 3+ hits to the head from an axe, if the bayo takes 5 but hits faster because of the animation it may be more worthwhile to use a small melee weapon you can hide in the backpack.
  18. jukaga

    Ambient noise still broken?

    I'm so tired of the phantom zombie sounds, truncated pop can opening sounds, ammo splitting out of nowhere. Everytime those happen, I go into paranoia mode for a while, get tired of it and start discounting sounds as mere glitches. Then you run into a player who was actually making them.
  19. jukaga

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    That's encouraging. I've only played a bit of experimental, I would play more but I get frequent crashes and stable is well, stable. Diseases must be just around the corner, we have the wet mechanic (that does nothing) and I find antibiotics all the time in medical facilities.
  20. jukaga

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Ahh, will it be possible to craft those illusive sticks from firewood? And it will be neccesary to build fires soon? Good, good.
  21. jukaga

    Removing spawns is making this game bad

    I don't want to see deep inland spawns, but would like the whole coast opened up and maybe the first 'belt' of inland towns. No spawns more than 1000m from the coast. I really want to see life (and death) in Cherno, Elektro and Zeleno again.
  22. jukaga

    Loving the Amphibia S

    I've never tried either .22 weapon because by the time I find some mags, I have an SKS, Moisin or M4, so what's the point? .22 mags should spawn in residential areas.
  23. NEAF is a constant bloodbath and there isn't much there. I've only encountered other players at Balota twice in the last few months on 3/4 full servers and if I'm playing a long patrol I'll hit it twice in the same day, first on my way to the Zeleno area bases, then to Green Mountain, NWAF and back down to Balota to do a Cherno-Elektro-Berezino patrol. It's super rare to see anyone past Elektro these days. Even Elektro itself is mostly abandoned and good old sniper 1 and 2 hills are ghost towns. Everyone just wants to DM in the Berezino-Svet-NEAF triangle these days.
  24. jukaga

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    Cartman is already reviewing swatches for implementation.
  25. jukaga

    Southern portion of map seem sparse these days?

    I don't mind PvP, KoS without interaction can get annoying but my point was more that I am just sick of spawning in at Berezino, I'd like maybe Zeleno, the Starys and hell, the old bean coast to get some love too.