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About tanker

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. tanker

    Any point in not being murderer?

    Yeah, self esteem.
  2. tanker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

  3. tanker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    TWM Stevie helped me tonight with a blood pack and some badly needed food. I contacted him on steam and he got online just to help me out. Service above and beyond. I'll try to help who ever I can in return.
  4. Tree stand on North side of Windy Mountain has 3-4 Zeds that just stay under the stand. They don't wander about or patrol like other zeds do. Also shooting them do not cause the others to charge and the dead one is soon replaced by a spawned zed, so there is no getting rid of them. Is this a glitch?
  5. Most of the protesting over the OP is probably being done by Vets who pick on noobs. What "experience and hours of hard work" are needed to snipe a guy with no weapon that just landed on the beach? While it's true that hackers are the lowest form of life, both activities are pretty lame.
  6. One shot to chest with an Enfield should be sufficient..no problem to start with ;)
  7. tanker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need some help at Drozhino, need blood and food.
  8. tanker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    It's impossble to add a lot of the medics on the original post because the url listed goes no where when you try to add friend.
  9. tanker

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm near Drozhino. I'm low on blood (2500) and food. Fainting from blood loss and losing more from hunger. I can give exact grid ref to responder using this map http://dayzdb.com/map#3.022.105 Steam name tanker607
  10. tanker

    If you NEED light at night...

    0430-0600 gives enough light to see but keeps you hidded from the zeds.
  11. tanker

    Changes to female characters

    Are you sayinig women have no libido?
  12. tanker

    Changes to female characters

    The average man could kill the average woman with his bare hands in a minute. The average woman is not as strong or as fast as the average man. Thats an empirical fact. It's good you are not striving for realism.
  13. tanker

    Never assume

    The real reason you killed him.
  14. tanker

    Need Help Surviving :P

    Stay away from towns. Find deer stands and farms. Use maps for that. http://dayzdb.com/map#4.036.123 Farms are good for well water and some weapons.
  15. serperate comments I never pay attention to a tactician that isn't careful enough to proofread.