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About Azrooh

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Azrooh

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Would it be possible to get this hosted on a torrent?
  2. Azrooh

    Proximity chat

  3. Azrooh

    Dev may stop?

    He's joking. He's on his last can of pepsi, so he's going to sleep when he runs out of soda to keep him awake.
  4. Azrooh

    lol average life

    He explained it in some other thread... Before the zombie update it was the average survival time of everybody currently alive' date=' and now it's the survival time of [b']everybody who has been alive for more than 2 minutes (so it doesn't count people who constantly hit respawn until they get a good spot).
  5. The return of Direct chat and the removal of global... But that will take 2-4 weeks, and I hope a patch comes a bit sooner than that :P Don't rush it though Rocket, this patch is fine!
  6. A few minutes ago on the Texas 2 server, I logged in, ate/drank, moved up to a white warehouse. Saw someone running around. Asked who he was, no response. So he leaves (going towards me), I fire at him, maybe hit once, not sure. He goes to ground and there's a little hillock that's preventing me from shooting at him. He stays still for a bit so I'm assuming he's waiting for me to crawl above the hillock... Nope, a few seconds later, I up and die. No blood loss, no gray screen, no hourglass, no gunshot, full food and water. I saw in the forums this morning that someone had something similar and it turned out to be a mod power... This sounds really similar to that, is there any way to find out for certain? I lost some nice guns and a hell of a lot of supplies in this, so I'd be pretty pissed if it was some mod abusing his powers. If it's a legit kill, fine.