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Inimmortui DayZ Epoch Server | Roaming Ai | Ai Missions | 800+ Vehicles | Lots Of Custom Scripts | Good Starting Gear |
graphel replied to kylebeed (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Been playing a lot on this server, very nice helpful admins. Great experience so far, I suggest it! -
Sent a request as well, if you are still interested, then hit me up! I've been trying to find a small group to play with for a while. Definitely interested if you are!
Hello all, I apologize if there is already a thread for this, but here goes. It only started recently, and it doesn't seem to be constant. I usually notice it when I log in at first. What it is, is an odd frame rate stutter. I get great fps, except that every... Maybe 15 seconds, I have around 5-6 seconds of lower frame rate. Significantly lower. It's not constant either, seems to mainly happen when I first start playing, though that could just be me getting used to it. My specs are as follows: ASUS m4a79xtd AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.2 GHz Sapphire HD 7870 2gb GHz edition 8GB of 1600 MHz RAM 1 TB HDD @ 7200 RPM I suspect that it's a hard drive problem, though I am not certain. The game is not un-playable with this frame rate lag, but it can be a massive problem in some situations, so any help would be great! Thanks.
I've been planning on an SSD upgrade for a while, guess I'll go ahead with it now! Thanks
Not sure if anyone else figured it out, but I fixed it by installing the new beta patch.
Well, you did insist that you were "not having one of those days, breaking point just sucks" And you complained about it for a good two hours straight. Dr. Zooks really "hit the nail" on the head so to speak. I wasn't even online at the time, so I'm not the one who shot you. And you did try to taze him, which was explained to me by three of the guys who were online at the time. Not only that, you complaining and talking shit about the guy who shot you because you tried to taze him wasn't appreciated...And "trying to improve on and finish every funny thing someone says...it gets old." Seriously, STOP DOING THAT. And take note that it generally doesn't look good when you try to join a clan and then complain about EVERYTHING! On another note, hello graveyard! :D
Haha, I was talking about this thread in TeamSpeak, and we all were saying "wonder how long till it goes to the graveyard?"
Yea don't listen to him. I have been told several times by both of the clan leads to "do what ever the hell I want". Doesn't sound like a power trip to me XP Everyone in this clan is great, and I'm having an amazing time here. Just don't be a douche and complain about everything. And BTW, it's best to not try and taze random people in your group for no reason, and don't be surprised when you get shot for it! *rolls eyes*
I'll be on in roughly three hours. You going to be available then?
I'm very interested! Skype is jackpeltier. At least I think it is... I work full time so I'm home after 5:30 pacific time, can check for skype pms then.
Name: Jack Age: 19 Timezone: Pacific (Washington) Bio: My name is Jack, I am 19 years old. I am quite team oriented and enjoy playing in groups more than solo, though I have little experience leading groups any larger than 3 or 4. I have been playing video games for a large portion of my life, and always enjoy spending at least a few hours daily on a game. In the real world, I live in a town in western Washington called Port Townsend. I work full time as an engineer at the aluminum boat manufacturing company Armstrong Marine ( www.http://armstrongmarine.com/). I have a large interest in, and collect many types of firearms. Experience:I have been playing Arma for the last year and a half, and Dayz off and on since 09/2012. Aside from that, I have extensive experience with most types of video games, on several platforms. I also have experience with web design via HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, along with some experience coding with C++, and basic game design. Time Online Daily: Only 3-4 hours a day on week days. I am at work from 6:15 AM until 5:00 PM, and have a 40 minute commute, so my time is somewhat restricted.
Was recently banned for no reason other than an itchy finger on the ban-hammer. I believe it was a main hive server as well (at least they said it was). Too lazy to tell the story again, so I'll quote what I wrote on the clans forums; my ingame name is Zeurxise. "Hello admins. Just a few minutes ago (approx. 10:00 PM PST) I was running around up in the north of the map, looking for tents/vehicles, like ya do. I was running straight north when I got a nameplate for Selei, ~1400m north of me. The nameplate quickly disappeared. I thought maybe he logged. Shortly after that, I get his nameplate behind me, at ~350m. At this time, I thought "he's an admin, he can teleport around as he wants, it's whatever." I continue moving north, looking all around for nameplates as I go. maybe a minute later, his nameplate is north west of me at ~250m. At this time I figure, well I have two gps, and three nvgs, m4a1 cco sd, and an svd camo. I don't want to lose all of that because I ignored obvious dangers. So I turn around, and start heading south to leave the area. This goes fine for maybe a minute. And then I get his nameplate AGAIN, directly in front of me. It becomes clear to me that he is trying to cut me off, I don't know the reason, maybe I was near his camp or something. However, I call him on it. I say (in side chat) "My nametags are telling me strange things >.>" And then "It must be nice to tp from ~1400m from me, to ~250m from me instantly." A few seconds after that, I am perma-banned for esp by Selei! I am not a hacker, I am a careful observant player. He had no proof that I was hacking, and banned me because I knew he was teleporting around me repeatedly. I didn't even mention his name when I talked in side chat. I feel that this is undeserved, and would like to be unbanned. I enjoy playing on your server and conversing with your staff. I hope this can be worked out, ~Zeurxise" That's it, clan site can be found here: http://www.adrenaline-gaming.net/ I actually found a server with a community that I enjoy talking with, then one guy has to go and well... Ban me lol, maybe this can be resolved.
Hello everyone, a few hours ago I was playing on a server that I enjoyed, but did I did not think to look at the name of it before I closed Dayz. Is there some way I can view the servers I have recently connected to? Some sort of log file perhaps? Thanks!
Thanks for the replies, added one name I can remember as a friend on dayz commander, so hopefully something will come of that. Was just hoping there was some log file that saved the info of the servers you connected to/
-=INA=- International Army (Open and Recruiting!)
graphel replied to -=INA=- Skipper's topic in Clan / Group Recruitment
In-Game Name: Ethenstien Are you in any other Clan/Squad?: No, I used to be around a month ago. We all went out separate ways though. Where are you From?:Washington, USA Age: 19 Will you be capable of playing in a clan environment?: Yes You Must Have Skype, Write it down here We will msg you if you're in: jackpeltier Do you have a working Microphone?: Yes What Position do you think you'll be able to fit it? (Sniper,Assult,Medic and Driver/Pilot): Either a sniper/recon position or an assault position. I have a little over 5 months experience with dayz. I mainly play on Chernarus, and know most of it by memory. -
Age (Be Honest): 19 In Game Name: Ethenstien Country/Timezone: USA/GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) Are You Active?: Yes, I play on Thursday through Sunday. 4 or 5 PM until 1 or 2 AM. Experience In Dayz: I have played Chernarus on and off for the last 5 months. haven't tried other maps though. Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes, I often game with groups. And was part of a Dayz team for roughly two months. I can play any role you need me to, but I prefer a sniper/overwatch position. Mainly because my sound has been glitchy for a few patches, and footsteps near me tend to be super quiet. I know most of the main routes around Chernarus by memory, and can navigate almost the entire game world without a map. I have experience driving most of the vehicles, excluding the heli, and the small, super slow boat.I have been an observer for most of my time playing, as I prefer to keep unknown players at a distance. Would like to talk to you, will pm you my skype name. And I hope to see you in-game!
I think this song fits rather well, the name does at least:
Last time I checked, was around -170,000.
While everyone here has a good point, I'll just say this. Every player I have found with hacked guns in the last three weeks to a month has been a server hopping sniper. And these guys dont just have an AS50 TWS and a few M107 rounds for it. They have the complete kit. IE: AS50 TWS, M9SD, L85 thermal, and every tool available, even the radio. They never have any food, and sometimes dont even have a backpack. They are most commonly found on the international hotel at night, and on the hill north east of Elektro... Now I can understand someone running around with an m4 holo sd, and not knowing it's a hacked weapon. But when you are running around with a full kit of high end weapons and in a soldier clothing? Gimme a break. I am really thankful that server admins kick and ban people using these weapons. Not only to level the playing field, but it helps stop the hackers from flooding the main hive servers with those hacked guns. Almost every tent I find now either has a G36, or an AS50 TWS, they are everywhere and the admins are helping with the problem. In my opinion, most players that use hacked weapons are almost as bad as the hackers them selves. Especially on my home server, US IL5, most of the snipers I kill in Elektro or Cherno have hacked guns, if not complete kits. You argue the point that a player that uses a hacked gun may not know it's illegal. But when I see a group of people from the same clan log onto my home server, I look for them. And when I find them in the usual "l33t scout sniper" spots, they always ALL have hacked gear. Saying that they dont know what they are doing is just idiotic. It's like saying "That guy that found the scud missile launcher at Pik Koslova, and nuked Cherno didn't know it was hacked in, don't ban him!" I have a feeling that most of the people saying admins are bad for kicking/banning for use of hacked guns, use said hacked guns themselves.
Player name: Ethenstien Server: US106 Time: Approx. 10:17 PM Pacific time. What happened: I had decided to join a random server and take a break from my home server, US IL5. So I spawn in at Sosnovka, right where I logged off yesterday. I run in the direction of the NWAF for a few minutes before I see a chopper headed northwest. Obviously, there isn't much in that direction, so I follow on foot. After maybe an hour, maybe an hour and a half, I happen upon the HUGE group of tents. I have a look around and tell my friend on steam about it. As we are making plans to raid said camp, I get killed by some sort of LMG. A few minutes later, I spawn at 3 valleys and find bike. I then head in the direction of the camp, and arrange to meet my friend there. After not too long, and finding a tent with five m14 AIMS in it :0 I arrive, and meet him there. As we are planning what to do with the massive amounts of loot, I hear a truck of some sort to the east, so we both leg it a few hundred meters and prone in some bushes. Before long, the truck sound stops, and two guys pop over a hill. One prones, and the other heads west, to try and circle us. My firend takes aim at the one that trys to circle around, and I do the same at the prone guy. We both fire, my friend kills his taget, and mine takes a hit and loggs. We stay there for a few minutes before my friend says he saw something south of through his l85, and we both head south to search for what ever he spotted, after maybe a minute of searching, I get kicked off of the server with an admin ban. The only reason I can think of for my ban is that we found a clan camp. The one we killed had a [TPG] tag in his name, and this is the Total Punishment Gaming server, so I assume they didnt want us taking thier stuff. Quite a few tents had hacked items such as the M4A1 holo sd, gold revolver, and soldier clothing. All I am asking is that someone review the logs of the server for anything I may have done wrong. I would like to be unbanned, but it wont kill me if I'm not.
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Unfortunately didnt get a screenshot or vid of the guy. Originally saw him standing on a lighthouse near Krutoy Cap (on the coast near skalisity). I had swam out to Skalisity because I saw a few tents out there and low and behold..... Found my first AS50! Almost immediatly after that heard gunshots on the coast, and spotted him on top of the lighthouse. No, not on the walkway around the lighthouse, on the roof of it; he also had a hacked in body armor... I scoped in on him and thought "stupid hackers are stupid!" and popped him good. Apparently it was me that was stupid, everyone knows hackers teleport next you you when you kill them. After that, and the loss of the as50, played fine without any hackers, until I spot someone with the same body armor on the sniper hill near cherno. I try to sneak up to kill him again, but he looks right at me and dissapears. I spin around, expecting him to be behind me and shoot a full akm mag into him, which of course does nothing. He then one hits me from maybe 100m with some kind of shotgun. Server was US 2134 His name was "kite"
I'll just start off by saying, that not all of us are cut out to be bandits. I will now tell you about my recent experience that brought this to my attention upon coming back to this game. I spawned a bit down the coast of Elektro, pretty nice first spawn in my humble opinion. I then proceded to scrounge a kit together, mainly from appartments and the grocery store. Really just the basics; Food, drink, a nice Alice pack, lots and lots of bandages, Binocs, and last but not least, an Enfield, and an M1911. And of course, ammo for both guns. I move out of Elektro, a bit north, and then head towards Cherno while basking in the glory of having avoided every zombie I found. My intent at that point was to hit up the barns and hopefully find a CZ. Sadly, no luck on the CZ, just tons of food, and flares, which I tend to avoid. I shortly arive in Cherno, and decide to scout out the city from the northern hills, and look for and spawned zombies. I am directly north of the industrial buildings when I hear two frags explode, which immediately gets me into prone, as I look around to my right, near the appartments, for the source of the sound. On a whim, I decide to check the player list, and see if there are any clan groups on this server, and notice three players with the clan tag [DKCL]. From this point onward I assume that the frags are from those guys. It's not long before I notice, again to the right, copious amounts of white and green smoke a short distance to the west, up the hill from the appartments. I decide to move to the north west with hopes of a better visual on the area, and hopefully to spot who ever threw three or four smoke grenades. After a short while I see a surviver running between the appartments. When I look at him with my binocs, I see he has an M16 ACOG. realizing that with that scope he is a huge threat to me, so I decide to move a short distance south to keep him in sight, and not lose track of him. Now, I believe that it was that last move that brought the [DKCL] guys attention to me, whether that brought me into their line of sight, or shooting range, I do not know. I also have no idea of whether the first surviver was part of their group or not, but I never saw him again. Anyways, next thing I know, I am taking fire from a few different westerly directions. The guns I remember hearing are an Enfield, and AK, and a shotgun. Now for a while i just crouch run around trying to figure out the cirection they are in, while they waste huge ammounts of ammo, landing shots around my feet. At the same time that I figure out roughly where they are, the guy with the shotgun lands a hit on me, and I run east looking for some trees, bushes, or anything to use for cover. Not long after I find myself a nice dip in the hill, and turn around and prone. I wait a short while to look for pursuers, and then bandage myself. The spot I am in provides good cover, with a hole in the ground behind a bush. I stay there for a while, waiting and watching for the search party I know is coming. The first one I spot is moving east a bit south of me, stright for the pond. I move a bit more east to get a better view on him, and take a few shots. Nice! [DKCL]hazinater has died! one down , 2, possibly 3 to go. I move east yet again, and take a few shots from a shotgun, and an ak. I am hit once again and take cover behind a group of bushes, and bandage again. I now do the same as before, waiting and watching. Maybe 20 seconds pass before I see a guy in a guillie suit moving north east in the field above me, before I lose sight of him. With the intent of teaching these guys a lesson, on the fact that a lone wolf with "newbie" equipment is still dangerous, I follow parralel to him, north east. After a little while we see each other, and exchange fire, I hit him twice, and get hit once. I take note of "[DKCL]jennifer has died." and bandage myself yet again. I am now not in a good state of health, blinking red blood icon. I eat some food to replenish some health and move to cover again before I see my shotgun man 200m-250m north of me up the hill. I aim, annnd pass out! This happends twice more before I can even shoot. I take two shots and he goes prone and dissapears. I always loved combat loggers. I quickly make the assesment that all of this gunfire, frag explosions,and smoke must have attracted attention, so I begin moving north, only to pass out again. I soon get swarmed by zombies and quickly die. I spawn in Cherno, luckily, and head out to recover my stuff before they get there and hide my body, though I am conpforted by seen both of the people I killed die over and over again in the death feed. While they are cycling spawns I might just have time to go and get my stuff, and some of theirs. Upon finding our bodies I start recovering my stuff, but before long another guy shows up, with the bandit head skin. He shoots and kills me with his Enfield, and says in direct voice "That's what you get for being a bandit." I tell him to have fun with the massive swarm of zombies I saw headed his direction before I died. I once again, spawn in Cherno, and head to the boddies. I find them and some other guy with no kit running around the boddies away from zombies. he for some reason books it to the woods, and I move up to once again, try to get my gear back. I fend off a few zombies with my recovered 1911, and then pick over their gear. The first guy had nothing of interest, so I head up to the guillie guy. On him I find an Enfield, probably that randoms weapon, and no AK. Other than that he had a full kit. ie: rangefinders, NVGS, compas, watch, GPS Ect. Ect. I take what I need and hide the boddies, nothing really useful left on any of them. I then move north to the woods, and log to come here and type this! So be warned, if you see either [DKCL]hazinater or [DKCL]jennifer, or anyone else with that tag for that matter, expect cratfy, yet poorly executed traps, poor marksmanship, and lack of observation skills. They may be a good source of gear for you other lone wolfers out there. I never got the third [DKCL] guys name as I didn't think to take the names down until I saw them in the death feed multiple times. I decided to share this as I am amazed i am still alive. Two of theme had accurate, high damage rifles, and I somehow didnt die. They completely had the drop on me. A rather ammusing first few hours back if I do say so myself :D Any thought and comments welcome.
Time: 7:30 PST Server: US88 What happened: I found a camp a bit north of Vybor, 7 tents on top of a hill in the trees. I loot the tents and find 8 M107 rifles and 13 M107 clips in the tents. There was some other less noticeable stuff in there as well. I immediately think of how I am on the NWO server, and of how they are well known for duping everything. Right after I take the ammo to use with my as50, someone else starts talking in side chat about how they found a "hacker tent" full of the rarest items in the game. Maybe 30 seconds after that, BAM the server goes down. Me and my buddies often loot tents on US88 because they are EVERYWHERE and are full of things like the above mentioned M107s. After we stole their Ural and raided + ran over 30+ tents on US88, if anyone talks in side or global chat about finding a camp when an NWO member is on the server goes down. The NWO is also very well known for duping, a member of my team was talking to them on their teamspeak server and he was told that the server admin let them dupe after a server restart that wiped a bunch of tents.
Hello people, approx. two days ago I was at a friends house, helping him set up TS3 and Dayz. We had gotten dayz up and running, and logged into CA 16, and ran around Kamenka a bit before deciding to get TS3 working. We get Teamspeak up and confirm that it works. We play with a few friends using the teamspeak overlay in Dayz for about an hour before logging off to get dinner. When we come back and log onto CA 16 again, the message comes up saying he is globally banned. Now before all of you 12 year olds comment about how he MUST have been hacking and how perfect battle eye is. Just stop. I know he wasn't hacking because I was THERE THE WHOLE TIME HE PLAYED. We contacted battle eye support and got confirmation that battle eye could have seen TS3 overlay as a hack of some sort. They however, still wont un-ban him. This isn't a ban appeal of any sort. I am simply saying that this method of anti cheat isn't by any means perfect.
I suppose so, he already got a new cd key, and uninstalled ts, and it's all good. And to noobsmcgee And Delta, there are actually quite a few reported instances of the TS3 overlay getting people banned. Get off of your high horses guys. "All I have nothing to say to your friend, but HA-HA in your face. If you use a hack, doesn't make u smarter. You're just a dumb monkey with a gun, smart enough to pull the trigger, but comepletely retarded when it's out of ammo and doesn't shoot anymore, so only thing left for you is raging, thowing things, shitting your pants.. and.. ofc go get a new CD-Key." -GTFO troll, I know he wasn't hacking, got banned after maybe 2 hours of legit playing, I was there the whole time, and he never hacked... As I said in the OP. If you can't be bothered to read my post then don't bother replying to it.