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Everything posted by ninjan777

  1. ninjan777

    M107 or Beans?

    I have aquired a l85 with thermal that i use as my primary and recently i found a helicoptercrash site with a m107 50.cal. I picked it up and put it in my alice backpack. problem is that i can't decide if i should keep the m107 or give it to a freind so that i have 12 free slots (i have two 50. mags) and can put in more food or other things to survive. i wan't to walk to the north without having to stop so often at towns because me and my freinds are superparanoid and wan't to keep away from towns for as long as possible. if its relevant i have 7 stanag mags for my l85 and im superattached to my gear :) plz give your opinion on this terrible and most important issue.
  2. ninjan777

    M107 or Beans?

    seems like a good idea since my friends Bison SD only has 50 rounds left and he needs a good weapon :)
  3. ninjan777

    Whats the best/fastest way to get an M107/AS50?

    I don't know if its smart of me telling but me and my freinds found 3 heli crash sites north of berezino in 2-3 hours (on 3 different servers). I found the first one myself north of Berezino 150m from a gas station. also first time looting a crash site i found a M107 50.cal and a Fn Fal lol. more importantly i have only found 3 crash sites so there is deffinetly something about Berezinos fields if you ask me :)
  4. Pets as followers, cats or dogs works as the AI like arma's soldiers and follows you and you can command them. They can work as a distraction, attack zombies or just be your companion. You can find them on fields like other animals and you can domesticate them so they can be your follower. Some kind of process so you could domesticate them would be necisarry, Why not the use of a toolbox lol. Gameplaywise it could work as you press F2 then the command option would come up and if you aim at a zombie or player you can choose attack or move to. Also if you lose your pet you could press formation line or whatever its called. think this could be a great addition for dayz for thoose lone survivors or just survivors who want a companion. Please let me know what you think. positive comments or constructive critism is greatly appreciated :)
  5. ninjan777

    Animals as followers/companions

    Ooh. But i like cats more tough :3
  6. ninjan777

    Day Z Videos

    http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F%3Fgl%3DSE%26hl%3Dsv&hl=sv&gl=SE#/watch?v=wbTcMiMRBqY This usually what happends when you play for 4 hours lol
  7. Try to avoid this, or else you will end up like this all the time. or just get shot instanly...