Age (Be Honest): 18 In Game Name: Herbie Hancock Country/Timezone: CST Are You Active?: Very active, play whenver I have free time between sports usually in summer about 5-7 hours a day after about 1 P.M. Experience In Dayz: 5 weeks, very good knowledge of game, past 3 weeks been playing with a group ranging from 4-6 players, very good sniper with any weapon (4 800 meter+ confirmed kills with DMR), very good organizer of inventory within the group. Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes, did Gamebattles with a clan during the MW2 and Black ops era, have played Day Z before with groups, know what it feels like, would like to get into a sturdier group/clan that I can depend on, rather than just 6 guys thrown together Skype: Bucs-boy-14 Add me on skype if interested, would be a pleasure to join the crew!