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Everything posted by reeceprades@yahoo.co.uk

  1. reeceprades@yahoo.co.uk

    The only thing that can save the mod

    If you have watched the interview with dean (creator of days) then you will know that he is well aware of the problem and he is onto it, don't get let down by the hackers, i for one have not seen any hacker so I count myself as lucky. I know it's annoying but I think dayz is fantastic and is going to be something big, yes it has it's problems but you would expect that and tbh it will all be resolved in time. Keep your head high. Prades1994
  2. reeceprades@yahoo.co.uk

    **Please Read**! Problems with getting onto dayz!

    Get the arma patch, arma beta patch and update your battler.
  3. reeceprades@yahoo.co.uk

    Waiting for host..... forever

    I had the same problem, you need to update arma to 1.61 and make sure battleye is the same version. aslo make sure your beta patch is the latest. then bobs your uncle its fixed. you will find these in google, just type: Battleye Arma beta patch arma latest patch. Prades1994