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Everything posted by LegitOldSchool

  1. LegitOldSchool

    Colorless Screen

    Woah woah woah, you're giving off all kinds of misinformarion right now, you're just going to confuse people. Loss of color, also called desaturation is a sign of low blood, not low health. Low health causes your vision to go blurry. Blood level and health are two different things in the standalone. Also, if you are injured and achieve the healthy status, it shows up as "healing" until you get to full blood.
  2. LegitOldSchool

    Damaged Inventory Storage... possibly dropping loot

    Maybe use the search engine? This was posted by me less than an hour ago. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164960-repair-clothing/?p=1667853
  3. LegitOldSchool

    Bambi needing advice!

    Blurry screen means you are unhealthy, even if you aren't injured and you have full color. You need to drink a lot and get energy from food.
  4. LegitOldSchool

    Dual screen wallpaper

    Alright I will be blunt for your own good and hope you can manage to learn and grow from your mistakes. The resolution is not even big enough to fill one regular screen, let alone a dual screen. The ratio is wrong. The DayZ logo's perspective is wrong. The image is too dark.
  5. LegitOldSchool

    Repair clothing

    Sewing kits would be good. I also think they should find a way for damaged/ruined clothing and backpacks to drop items randomly as if there were holes in them.
  6. LegitOldSchool

    Battle eye

    All DayZ official servers now have battleye since last patch. If you can't play because you hacked and got banned playing the mod before that's your problem, there's no other reason you shouldn't be able to play on an official server.
  7. LegitOldSchool

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    The only friendly player is a defenseless player, once anyone gets a weapon, they WILL kill you.
  8. LegitOldSchool

    Multiple characters in Day-Z Standalone?

    Your character's info is bound to your game/steam account and is downloaded each time you connect to the main hive, even if you change your name you still only have one character.
  9. LegitOldSchool

    No healing status.

    Not true, I can achieve "HEALTHY" status about 30 mins in after I am a new spawn, and usually can keep it until I die, Drink till your stomach is full, eat A LOT, I do it all the time.
  10. LegitOldSchool

    Eggs, simply eggs

    Eggs aren't being harvested anymore because of the infection, how do you reckon you would find even ONE egg that's not completely rotten?
  11. LegitOldSchool

    Found a Pristine Walkie Talkie, any use for it?

    I think once implemented it will be required to see/hear/use side chat.
  12. LegitOldSchool

    Realistic Effects after Getting shot

    No, but having every player shot stumble to the ground and scream in pain is not the solution either. If something is implemented later during beta, it should be something more realistic but certainly not as drastic as your suggestion. You have to remember that the current behavior or rather lack of is not chosen, there is currently a lack of features that are yet to be.
  13. LegitOldSchool

    Realistic Effects after Getting shot

    Not everyone reacts the same to a gunshot, some don't even realize they've been shot before being told that they are bleeding. Shock and adrenaline play a big role in that, so I think there are too many factors that could influence this behavior to make it realistic across the board.
  14. LegitOldSchool

    Question on shooting on an incline and at an incline

    Yes, on an incline the horizontal distance is always inferior to the actual distance between you and your target, so always zero accordingly.
  15. LegitOldSchool

    Amount of weapons on the coast

    The reason that we get M4's at balota is that if not M4's then what? The game is in alpha, of course the loot tables are going to change once more weapons are implemented but right now there aren't ANY options.
  16. LegitOldSchool

    Arm bands(Ways to tell who's who)

    We already have different colored/patterned bandanas in the game. If they could make it so we have the option of wearing it on the head like currently, or on the face or as an armband, that would already be a good start.
  17. LegitOldSchool

    Press Vest Spawn

    Press Vest and Stab Vest both only spawn in train stations currently. Press Vest has 6 storage spaces, 2 less than military vests, Stab Vest has none.
  18. LegitOldSchool

    I Love to KoS

    Yeah, I do too, but you have to mind the weapon you have in hand. I once held up someone and told them I would shoot them in the legs after 5 seconds if they didn't comply. Shot them once in the leg, with my Magnum, fell over dead.
  19. LegitOldSchool

    So how do you give someone blood?

    You will need: A blood bagAn IV kitTwo blood test kits minimum, possibly many moreA living complying donorA friend to administer the transfusion1- Use a blood test kit on the person needing the transfusion. 2- Find a person to gather the blood from, must be alive. 3- Test the donor's blood type with a blood test kit. If compatible, go to step 4, if not go back to step 2. 4- Gather blood from living donor with a blood bag. 5- Attach an IV kit to blood bag to make it transfusion ready. 6- Have a friend use the blood bag on person in need. Alternatively... Find a saline bag and an IV kit, attach IV kit to saline bag, give to person in need, skip all the hassle.
  20. LegitOldSchool

    FPS Boost....Error?

    It makes the game run as if under windows XP/Directx9 AFAIK. Since the game doesn't support windows XP, it will constantly crash.
  21. LegitOldSchool

    None violent dayz possible?

    Fortunately, all bandits wear a pink baseball cap so we can differentiate them from other players.
  22. LegitOldSchool

    m4 spawn nerf too much?

    I find M4s in the top room of the school in electro...
  23. Wow really? Must really suck to be you. I mean, it's not like the game is in alpha and you could lose your character any day and every day because of database wipes anyways. Plus I hear you've been working so hard on your K/D ratio, shame. If I were you I'd send a formal complaint to Rocket, this is obviously unacceptable.
  24. LegitOldSchool

    Why is it so hard to implement a logout timer?

    Dude, the game is in ALPHA, a logout timer right now is irrelevant. This version of the game is for testing purposes and implementing core components.