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Everything posted by LegitOldSchool

  1. LegitOldSchool

    How on earth do you get blood for blood bags?

    That's a waste. The Saline Bag in DayZ Standalone is used to instantly refill a player's blood to the maximum. Usage: Combine the Saline Bag with an IV Start kit and apply it to a player. Make sure you have 2 Verical inventory slots free Source DayZ Wiki
  2. LegitOldSchool

    How on earth do you get blood for blood bags?

    Yes and that's the best strategy if you are healthy because you'll eventually regenerate the blood taken from you.
  3. LegitOldSchool

    How on earth do you get blood for blood bags?

    Dude, you quoted me saying the exact same thing, read my last phrase...
  4. LegitOldSchool

    How on earth do you get blood for blood bags?

    You need to fill a bloodbag with someone's blood. Then you need to attach an IV kit to it so that it can be injected. You also need to test both your blood and the donor's blood to make sure it's compatible. As an alternative, attach an IV kit to a saline bag, they refill your blood and bring back unconcious players.
  5. LegitOldSchool

    DayZ Ice cream parlor gone wrong

    Just a short video of one of my sessions with friends, more to come.
  6. They're never adding loot respawning, everything spawns on server start now, that's the way they want it, it's not a bug.
  7. LegitOldSchool

    I found the rarest item

    Found a Press Vest, and earlier found a blue Stab Vest too in the Berezino train station, ideal for a more civilian look.
  8. LegitOldSchool

    Bait and switch trick! (funny)

    Way to be dickheads to an ungeared player. You needed his pristine backpack?
  9. LegitOldSchool

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Who else found the Press Vest?
  10. LegitOldSchool

    Suggestion: Babys

  11. LegitOldSchool

    The difference between: Scumbag & Banditry...

    As I once said, the real difference between a scumbag and a real bandit is about 300 meters. Scumbags are cowards and will snipe you so they don't have to take the chance to interact with you. A real bandit will won't be afraid to hold you up in a proper manner.
  12. LegitOldSchool

    In serious pain out of nowhere.

    The "infected" your friend heard is probably your character saying "ah fuck that (hurts)".
  13. LegitOldSchool

    Time-limited Trial version

    A trial is usually made from a completed game. Early access we have now is kind of a paid trial so...
  14. LegitOldSchool

    Character Screenshots!

    Rocking the classic hero look. Not optimal for item slots but IDGAF. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
  15. LegitOldSchool

    Changed Video Settings, now DayZ wont open.

    You probably set your game resolution higher than what your monitor actually supports. Go to %userprofile%\Documents\ARMA 2\arma2.cfg, open the ArmA2.cfg file and change those lines to your actual resolution. Resolution_H=????; Resolution_W=????; Then save it and restart your game. Hope it helps.
  16. LegitOldSchool

    Add fursuits in DayZ SA

    Can't have "realistic survival" without fursuits. Although I'd rather have firsuits. that make you look like a fir. For camouflage. Would work even better than being a bush.
  17. I was interested until I read "custom loadout". People spawning in with premade sets of items makes the game unfair for everyone who doesn't donate. Pay to play makes the game boring. Good luck.
  18. This is your second thread with the same question, like I said, turn your brightness and gamma up, it's nighttime.
  19. Lol, nighttime in some servers can be brutal, put your brightness and gamma all the way up.
  20. LegitOldSchool

    My "butthurt" post

    I've run servers before, you on the other hand seem to be completely clueless about what being an admin is. Admins CANNOT spawn loot, spawn vehicles, teleport or kill with the press of a button. The ONLY way an admin can change gear is to get into the server files and MANUALLY edit your save, and it only takes effect after a server restart. So that means it only works on private hives. Also, the only way an admin can spawn a vehicle is by opening the admin map, adding a vehicle and restarting the server. That is the way they make those 200+ vehicles servers, they are all added manually through the server's map. Is someone teleported to you or spawned weapons/items, he's a scripter/hacker, might be an admin scripter/hacker, but he's not using admin powers to do it because admins don't have those "powers". About using the admin map to find a player in a bush, that's just ridiculous. The map is not dynamically updated, you have to refresh it to get an approximate location of any player or vehicle and by the time you get back in game the player might be anywhere from 50 to 250m from the location on the map.
  21. LegitOldSchool

    standalone missions

    I agree I would like some random missions in the style of Wasteland, maybe even with NPCs. These objectives could also be tailored to your humanity level. Survivors/Heroes could have "Clear out a bandit camp" missions, Survivors/Bandits could have "Steal supplies from a survivor compound" type of missions. There could also be neutral missions like "Clean out the infected from X town". Rewards could be slightly better than average loot, or just more of the regular loot. I love this idea so much I wanna make love to it.
  22. Nail gun as a weapon, lol, obviously comes from someone who never used one in real life. "Wow! What's that weapon in your hands?" "It's a friggin nail gun!" "And what's that huge thing on your back?' "That's the compressor." "It makes an awful lot of noise" "Yeah I know, but isn't it cool though?" "Well it's pretty useless since you have to be plugged in for the compressor to even work, the compressor itself is huge and heavy, plus it's as loud as a car engine..." "Yeah but man, I can shoot NAILS!" "Yes you can, if they get in melee range and you can manage to drive one through a Z's brain, I guess" "... but DUUUUUUUUDE, it's a friggin NAIL GUN!!!"
  23. LegitOldSchool

    Anyone else hate the new zombie spawning ?

    Outside of cities/towns they only spawn in open fields, stay in the forest you won't have a problem.
  24. LegitOldSchool

    Standalone thoughts?

    Personally I think Rocket and the development crew are taking way too much time to release the game. I have kind of given up on the release. We're about 5 moths after it was said that the game "should" come out before the end of 2012. I think the fad has passed quite a bit and many DayZ players will not even bother getting the standalone. The only thing that had me coming back to DayZ in the last 5 months are mods like Breaking Point that add fresh and new stuff to the game. For players like me who've been playing this mod for a long time, this will makes DayZ standalone seem pretty empty and bland, even with the modified map and all.
  25. LegitOldSchool

    So.. I was wondering..

    You don't get banned because your CD key was stolen, you get your DC key stolen, then the person using it hacks on official servers and gets banned, that simple.