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About FuzzyPooka

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. FuzzyPooka


    Cow Trains. Battle Cows. Rideable Cows? Zombie Cows. Flying Cows...
  2. FuzzyPooka

    Police helicopter?

    NOT THE HOLY HUEY!!! Just have your iPod playing "Fortunate Son" , and All of Chernarus will fall to this flashback from 'Nam, Baby!!!
  3. FuzzyPooka

    Bows and other ideas!

    Yes. A Bow is the perfect weapon. It's lightweight. It's silent. And nigh on unlimited ammunition. Plus, I'm not a bad shot with a bow....
  4. FuzzyPooka

    Make Military Weapons more rare, Urban styled weapons!

    Lots of 22.s... Ow! My leg! And I wouldn't mind some duck tape...
  5. FuzzyPooka

    Footstep sounds and rolling

    The "Sneak" mode footsteps need to be far quieter. I dont run 1/2 as loud as these guys crouch-walk.
  6. FuzzyPooka

    How about a Kill Cam?

  7. I like skills/professions. But in all honesty, I believe this is the wrong way to go about it. Gun Smith? All gun nuts usually have more experience firing said weapon than a police officer.
  8. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    By not a valid augment, I am saying that I have clearly posted in my thread that the "Too Hardcore" cannot be factually proved, and I would prefer people give intelligent answers on is post. Therefore, I will not listen to stupid answers such as- this game is too hardcore. Give me a factual reason why. Your claims about Counsole players wanting action are relatively true. But, saying as A PC also has fast paced titles such as: Blacklight Retribution, Team Fortress 2, CallofDuty make the same terms apply. Both have their share of slow and fast paced games, so neither can be truly judged. I agree on your last paragraph. This thread is just to make it public. Counsole players want this game. So, when the time does come when it is standalone, our wishes may be complete. Thank you for your post, and a intelligent argument. (My iPad spell checks consoles to Counsoles. I do hope you get my meaning overall.)
  9. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    The game would hopefully be standalone, and not dependat on the Arma Engine, as I have clearly posted over and over. Yes, Battlefield maps are not the biggest. Yes, I have have clearly posted you can. Give me an action, and I will map it.
  10. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    They have fans that appreciate a horror and survival element. Is DayZ not a shooter? So you hug your fellow survivors? No. We brutally murder them, usually with guns. And fight Zambehs. Same as a survival Horror, such as Dead Island. Kill Zambehs and Bandits. With guns. Not anyone who disagrees. I have given beans to people that actually give me reason. However, I prefer not to answer again, so look at my original post to see if I have discussed your problem. About Mics... If you played both PC and Counsole, you would know that roughly 90% of people use Mics. 40% on PC. Bandits are part of the game. They will ultimately show up. But,with I,proved communication, they should actually be better. It's helpful when the person your talking to actually replies.
  11. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    As I have clearly said before, too hardcore is not a valid argument. Get off this post, or give me a reason I havent proven..
  12. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Heheheheh. I laughed at that in 3rd grade. It would have a market, I assure you. Survival horror games are quite popular, as the success of Dead Space, DeadRising, and various Zombie titles have proven. Counsoles also promote communication, and playing with friends. Most Counsole gamers average at about 17, contrary to the numerous squeakers. Which, happens to be the average PC gamer age, as most over 20 preferring get on with life in general.
  13. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    I can't believe I'm validating this as an idea by replying. As an idea, this is fine. As anything else, it completely sucks. I don't want to flame you, but I'm struggling to resist. Some reasons of the top of my head You talk about a smart business decision, but Dayz is currently yet to make any of it's own money. It may be driving ARMA II sales, but none of the team is seeing a cent of that. The developers are yet to develop a PC version. Currently it's an Alpha mod, a console port is unthinkable at the moment. ARMA
  14. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    It's okay. Counsole is spelt in different ways,as in color. As there would have to be separate servers. Some of your questions and flames have been ignored, as they were clearly explained in the original post Please, continue tearing this thread up.
  15. FuzzyPooka

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    Answer time. It would need a new team. Rocket is developing it using the Aram Engine, and therefore doesn't need to rewrite the actual games code. But, the Arma Engine is horribly buggy, and quite simply holding the game down. If it becomes standalone, the Arma Engine will have to go. I have a PC, this is to expand this game to more audiences. Void, as clearly said in the post, too hardcore is an invalid argument.