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About Th0ughtful

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    On the Coast
  1. Th0ughtful

    battleye script restriction #51????

    I also encountered this problem. I was playing on US230, the server had just restarted. I opened my pack and took a drink from my canteen (flashing red water), seconds after the now empty canteen was placed back in my inventory I got the message: Error: battleye script restriction #51. Upon re-logging in and messing with it some more, I discovered that the error would repicate itself when I tried to acess my backpack. further expirimintation showed that if I dropped the canteen immediately after drinking that I would not get kicked (re-logs would put me back to thirsty with a full canteen). however my backpack contents remained unacessable. I was able to switch to US146 and that cleared up the error. for the moment at least. hopefully this information is helpful in resolving this issue