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Everything posted by bobstefanio

  1. bobstefanio

    Side chat.

    So what your saying is no one offically said "yes" to it yet, but they have removed the explicit "no" rule ? Can we get a mod or dev maybe to let us know I would like to enable this but covet the public hive and dont want to risk blacklisting my server by doing so if its not allowed.
  2. bobstefanio

    Lighting Issue/ Always Night

    Well if this is your first time playing the game you have encountered the first feature. Realism its night time for well as long as its night where you are. You have to find a server that has its time offset to be daytime for you if your joining servers all in the same area its more then likely they are all night. How are you deciding that it is supposed to be a day time server ?
  3. bobstefanio

    To the Sniper in Elektro

    Fair play to that sniper
  4. I too have encoutered this guy we found a car in the woods outside cherno we drove into town when 3 of us to pick up the 4th when one person shouts guys GUYS THERE IS SOMEONE ELSE IN THE CAR a bit of confusion we all jump out and sure enough a ghillie suite guy sitting the backseat we put a bullet in him no death message and no other players on the server no gear on him was freaky as fuck.
  5. bobstefanio

    Error when joining servers.

    Is it happening on all servers it seems like you have an outdated version or beta. You may need to use dayz commander (as its just easier) and hit the update button check your versions there and update as necessary.
  6. bobstefanio

    Cherno LOCKED DOWN!

    Let me know the server and we will see who has cherno locked down :)
  7. Your motherboard will support the processor so no problems there. However 400w is not a lot of power now a days the quad core you have listed will take about 125 watts and under load the graphics card will take about 220 watts that's 345 watts a single hard drive is about 15 watts reading and writing (rounding up) 360 watts not leaving a whole load of room for fans lights extra hard drives disk drives and anything else you have on your machine but if your running the standard 2 fans 1 hard drive and very few lights then the power supply might just be enough although I would upgrade if i was you for future purposes.
  8. bobstefanio

    Bombs - don't do this at home

    well the F key cycles through gun modes and thrown Items. Eg. I have myself an M203 on my gun I also have a grenade(frag) and some road flares in my bag. I hit F and up the top right of my screen changes from M4a1 semi to m4a1 full meaning im no longer in semi mode but in full i hit F again and I get m203 now If i click the mouse button the M203 launcher will fire what ever grenade i have in my m203 grenade slot. I hit F again and now it shows Frag Grenade if i press the mouse button it will drop the frag grenade effectively a few meters away if I hold the mouse button it will increase the power of my throw generally you want to aim it at 35-45 degrees off the ground so it goes a nice distance. Finally I press F again and I have my flares selected the same effect as a grenade clicking lobs it holding increase power to throw it. Practice with empty tin cans or flares before moving to live grenades if your having trouble.
  9. bobstefanio


    I hate alt+f4's Im sure there was a hacker and all but really there wasn't. Its a bug you may have to relog once or twice and if it doesn't work suicide or epi-pen will solve it.
  10. bobstefanio

    FPS help request, please

    Sorry for the delay I didnt get a chance to log in yesterday. Firstly go to here and download the latest drivers for your card as you have a dual GPU I cant see if your Nvidia Drivers are up to date and if they are this will help a whole lot there where some performance improvement changes made to certain features on the card. Next restore the program settings for Arma II in the Nvidia control panel and then disable Threaded Optimization (dont leave it on auto actually disable it) Set your graphics options as follows in game. Interface Resolution: 1280 x 1024 3d Resolution: 1280 x 1024 Texture Detail: Normal Video Memory: Default Anisotropic Filtering: Low Antialiasing: Low ATOC: Disabled Terrain Detail: Low Object Detail: Low Shadow Detail: Disabled PPAA: Disabled PostProccess Effects: Disabled Interface Size: your choice Aspect Ration: 16:9 Vsync: Enabled Obviously FullScreen instead of windowed mode that you used for the screen shot. Im guessing that 1280x1024 is your monitors native resolution if not set both options to the native. Give it a try and see if you still have graphical lag issues. Try not to test it in a heavily populated server near cherno or electro as this will cause graphical lag from the server rather then the card itself. I have on occasion seen a problem where they nvidia GPU dosnt run for certain programs but then you wouldn't even be able to play so hopefully these few suggestions will help improve your performance overall. If you notice a decent effect you should be able to raise a few of the detail setting to normal rather then low. (but between you and me snipers are easier to spot if you set all the terrain details to very low they stand out easier in there ghillie suits) Let me know how you get on and if the problem is still happening and we can take a look at what else could be cause it.
  11. bobstefanio

    Still having this problem

    Sounds like a wireless issue. I would advise you to try disabling your wireless network card and using a wired connection see if that makes a difference if so then its due to the wireless taking priority and then dropping out. If the issue persists with the wired connection then it has to be a configuration error with firewall. Your brothers connection is always fine no problems ? Has he got the same computer as you or are they different makes/models?
  12. bobstefanio

    Still having this problem

    It sounds like a connection problem I wouldn't of taught reinstalling your comp would have any effect. Firstly check that your getting the correct speeds from your Internet You could try http://www.speedtest.net secondly make sure you have relevant ports opened on the firewall a friend of mine had similar problems turns out his default windows firewall option was to block arma II. Secondly make sure your router is configured correctly maybe it is very strict and you have to open ports. Next thing to check is have you got a downloading program open utorrent or any such torrent program. Are there other people in the house using the internet have they got any downloading programs opened/streaming netflix youtube/playing dayz. Are you on wireless or are you using a wired connection ? Have you got any other connection problems when downloading files from the internet connecting to web pages or in any other game ?
  13. bobstefanio

    I was Banned, for genuinely nothing?

    Email battle eye and they will look into a moderator on this forum will just lock the thread.
  14. bobstefanio

    Modification to Kill Messages

    I agree anything to help with the hacker problem is a plus. But would the coding really be minimal is it such an easy feature to add? If you have all the information already available in the logs couldn't you write a query or create a database to output in the format you wanted. Or is tracking active players currently hidden and by creating an output will it not involve adding a feature to output everyone's current location at time of a player death check who is close and write out to the log. I know the game tracks everyone but opening it up as an output would mean having to put that information into an unsecured method that could make it easier to abuse giving a direct access to it via an output. I know there are already ESP hacks out there that allow you to see every player on the map in real-time an on screen but would this output not make it easier and thus more common to see this type of hack. Now of course I am not at all disagreeing with you I am just expressing an opinion and I am sure the feature could be implemented with proper safeguards to make it secure but is it really a necessary now when there are so many bugs and the overall hacking problem needing to be rectified.
  15. bobstefanio


    Yeah it can happen I have had it happen a few times if you hit escape before you alt tab it wont happen and if you hit the mouse mutton once you alt tab back in it will stop it firing.
  16. bobstefanio

    Accidental Weapon Discharge

    You could disable the touch pad and play for a while you would be surprised how often you touch the touch pad unaware during games.
  17. bobstefanio

    Modification to Kill Messages

    I see your point I was unaware that the location of every tent was available to the Admin that is a disturbing taught. I do agree how ever that most admins are decent folk and don't abuse this but still those admins out there who aren't so nice or not so knowledgeable and this kind of feature will give them the tiny excuse they need to ban many people who are innocent. Yes it would allow you too be a more effective server admin but hopefully there will be no need for such measures come standalone. Personally I don't mind what tools the admins get as long as ordinary decent players don't suffer for it.
  18. bobstefanio

    Accidental Weapon Discharge

    I am not sure never had to diagnose a mouse clicking issue normally its people on laptops and the problem is with there touch pad or a touchscreen monitor. Option A: possibly get an application that records mouse clicks or counts mouse clicks leave it on for a while and don't use the mouse see if it records a click Option B: see if it happens on other games Option C: Create a new use profile see if its a problem with windows. Option D: Scan for malware could be an annoying virus No Idea what could cause it in software terms specifically for dayz but let us know if any of this helps or if it dose not and I will do some research into the problem.
  19. bobstefanio

    Modification to Kill Messages

    Thats what I am afraid of death at a camp could lead to discovery you know tent bugs and such if you see a player die in the middle of no where with no close by players could indicate tent bug or something else. I don't see how this helps detect hackers in fact it could cause a lot of bans for people who are innocent. Scenario: Survivor A is killed by hacker he is 10 meters away the nearest player is Survivor B at 20 meters totally unaware on the other side of a building, Hill , Thicket of trees. Admin checks logs see survivor a who complained of hacker was killed and when and where notices survivor B was close to A and assumes he must be hackers friend as he hasn't died ! Scenario: Survivor Jimmy has made a nice camp has a few vehicles and tents. He is riding his bike back to camp when he runs into a tree and kills himself Admin A checks logs finds Jimmy was killed at location in the middle of no where. Admin investigates with high hopes finds camp.
  20. bobstefanio

    Accidental Weapon Discharge

    Never heard of this issue before I have heard a few people complain about constantly walking forward. Even a few friends upon investigation it appears its a problem with there keyboard. Not to say this IS a mouse problem but how do you know it is not what checks on the mouse have you done ?
  21. bobstefanio

    Modification to Kill Messages

    How would this help admins and what current information have you got recorded I would hate to think and admin can see my location even on death.
  22. bobstefanio

    Is it my CPU or my Video card?

    No that wouldn't run it either.
  23. bobstefanio

    Is it my CPU or my Video card?

    Sorry guys I misread the original post and didnt google the card my derp. I taught he said he was going to upgrade the CPU not that he couldnt. hehe.
  24. bobstefanio

    What you would to to a scripter.

    Nothing but ban there accounts from the game. They are but an annoyance in my view. Sure I die and loose my gear but that will eventually happen anyway its dayz after all.
  25. bobstefanio

    Is it my CPU or my Video card?

    Well the video card is an integrated card I'm guessing this is a desktop and you actually have no card in it. The processor could do with an upgrade but definitely the video card is your problem you actually have to get one. The processor could do with an upgrade but It might do the job for now. If it is a baught desktop then let me know what make and model if its a custom desktop take a screen shot of the system tab and the display tab of a dxdiag (Click "Start" go to "Accessories" and click "Run" in the run box type DXDIAG and hit enter)