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Everything posted by bobstefanio

  1. bobstefanio

    DayZ logic

    Another day in the life of a survivor here have some beans for your trouble.
  2. bobstefanio

    What to do with this vehicle

    dose not matter if someone else spawned it in you will not get banned for it only a server admin may ban you but frag grenades are not that rare either are ak rounds so its possible they are legit you will know after a server restart no hackers vehicles will survive a restart.
  3. bobstefanio

    Can my computer even run this?

    hmm the link you gave me is not the correct machine so different processor can you take another screen shot of the Display tab also to check what the graphics card is. Sorry to say that your computer is not powerful enough to run the game checking the model number of your pc the graphics card is the main problem while the rest of the pc meet minimum specs you would do better to build a new one. But your not going to run the game on that machine.
  4. bobstefanio

    US 2198 NEED HELP

    Any hacker who can do what you said must be running some sort of script you may want to check the battleeye forums i believe they released a new tool for server admins to record specifically user run scripts to check later. Edit: You could also shut down the server for an hour the hacker will probably move on to another server I know its a nuisance but it will probably be a while before they sort this out.
  5. bobstefanio

    ADMIN ABUSING on US 2011

    That makes little to no sense and it sounds like you got ambushed does not sound like hacking at all let me refer you to rule 1 of dayz club Don't get attached to your gear.
  6. bobstefanio

    Cherno at night fully lit up

    What is causing that is one or more crashed helicopters but you are simply too far away to see the flames.
  7. bobstefanio

    Can my computer even run this?

    If that is your computer and these are the specs http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00711194&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=3199132 then you cant run the game you dont have a powerful enough graphics card or processor You could try setting all the video settings to low and disabled but I doubt it will run the game even then.
  8. bobstefanio

    US 2198 NEED HELP

    Firstly have you got the hackers name ? If so ban him. If not check the server logs for the name of the guy running the scripts and ban him.
  9. I would suggest verifying file integrity first that will find any problems with the files and resolve them give it a try and let me know what happens.
  10. bobstefanio

    Can my computer even run this?

    More info please your computers tech specs. Predecessor ram graphics card and so on. If your really lazy then open up your run prompt and type dxdiag take a screen shot of the main window and of the display tab and upload it here.
  11. bobstefanio

    Superman the ride

    heh brilliant.
  12. bobstefanio

    Increased makarov damage

    Well first point you missed with most of those shots it takes average about 3-5 shots to kill a zombie to the body with the PM. Second point it only takes 1 shot to the head learn to shoot and before you go off about how they where coming after you and you panicked there where so many or what ever then run and take cover. If your backed into a corner a few hits wont kill you while you take that all important second to aim for the head shot.
  13. Well you can join .4 servers with .5 patch but you cant join .5 servers with the .4 patch and since dayz commander dose not always accurately display the server version unless you refresh the server once or twice i would suggest going back to .5 and try again.
  14. bobstefanio

    Adventure time!

    Nah couldn't be arsed running to this obvious trap :)
  15. bobstefanio

    Day Z Standalone

    Its up to you the standalone will be released when its ready Rocket has said he hopes before the end of the year but there is no official date so it could be next year before its out. The mod has many bugs but is a fantastic game it depends if you want to play the game now or wait for a more stable release in a few months.
  16. bobstefanio

    chat spam on login

    Ignore it its nothing to worry about at all.
  17. bobstefanio

    Pobeda Dam

    It depends do you like eveyone finding your base well everyone knows that a base is there but on the plus side its so far away from the sniping fests in cherno and elektro no one ever bothers to go there. So yes a good place I suggest finding a nice mountain to hide behind up there.
  18. bobstefanio

    Should we email Heinz?

    Leave it to rocket he will do what is best ! Have faith in Rocket!
  19. bobstefanio

    Camo clothing

    You can find them almost anywhere try the apartments in cherno or any of the shopping centers or houses.
  20. bobstefanio

    DayZ Mod = DayZ Game?

    No the mod and the game will be two separate entities you can only play with friends if you play on the same platform. either the game or the mod. The game and the mod would hopefully have the same features but this is hard to say for the release of the standalone there will be a lot of the bugs resolved and a few extra features added in from what rocket has said in several interviews this may include the start of the underground bases.
  21. bobstefanio

    Whats your autowalk contraption ?

    I use a zippo lighter and one of the extra gummy earphone pieces you get with a new set of earphones
  22. bobstefanio

    Input not supported

    Indeed M4L, g0ss you have the incorrect resolution I would suggest using a launcher to set it to windowed mode to get it loaded and then use the video options to set to your monitors native resolution. You could also set it with the start up parameters if windowed mode dose not work send me a PM with your native resolution and I will give you the code to copy paste.
  23. bobstefanio

    Illegal Gear Spawn?

    Keep it as long as you didn't spawn it you wont get banned only the person running the scripts will be punished keep what you have.
  24. bobstefanio

    5 Minutes Unconscious after each Login

    You should not alt f4 while in a firefight thats cheap. But the solution is as Skat3rat says die and respawn.
  25. bobstefanio

    DayZ - John the "Friendly" Hacker

    What a terrible chopper pilot and God damn hackers at least he wasnt going around killing everyone.