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Everything posted by Luke4202

  1. Luke4202

    Wierd occurance

    Ok, so I hike way out to the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain to place this tent. I'm trying to place it (which requires about a million tries because it has to be on flat ground) and all the sudden, I hear someone over the mic. I turn around and he's pointing a silenced M4 at my head. He says "yo dude get in the car" several times and jumps in a working car that he had parked a few feet back. Again, that's a car he drove through thick forest up a mountain. I try to talk to him, but he only further urges me to get in the car. So, I logged out. I do wonder what that was all about though. I figured the only way he could have found me and driven that car right to me was through a hack, what do you think? I'm not really sure, but I think my real life reflexes to resist a guy who says "dude get in the car" kicked in.
  2. Luke4202

    Wierd occurance

    Haha, lots of good stuff here. Placing the tent was the last thing I was going to do before logging, so I didn't have time to jump in.
  3. This is actually interesting, caliber is not the important thing here. Rifle vs. pistol ammo is. Pistol ammo travels much slower and leaves a puncture wound. So you remove the bullet and sew up the hole. A rifle bullet has so much more velocity and force with it that it actually leaves a cone of damage as it travels through the body. So, even though the AK has a smaller round, it actually carves a bigger path through the body than a .45 would. It doesn't leave as neat of a puncture wound, so it's harder to close. A rifle round also drags all sorts of bacteria into the wound so you have to give antibiotics as well.
  4. The "stomach" contains a little thing called the Aorta. A hit to the aorta/heart is the fastest way to kill anything, head shots included. When hunting in real life, one shot kills are a must, and nobody aims for the head. The chest is where it's at.
  5. 15 rounds from my MP5 to break the windows at the hospital today.
  6. Abnormally small gentalia could also be the cause. Pretty much anything that makes you feel powerless, that's what the psychiatrists would say anyway.
  7. Most likely it's the fact that you have a shitty job or can bench press about 120lbs. Something is making you feel powerless in real life so you get great joy from being powerful in the game (similar to the emotions that drive serial killers).
  8. Luke4202

    Pending Update: Build

    Love the game, but I think the login/logout timer feature could have some unintended consequences. There are still servers where I get stuck at the loading screen forever. It's quite common for me to have to attempt 3-5 servers before I get into one and can play on it. I still get the bug where I'm auto-killed at launch and respawn in the wilderness. It is much more rare now, but when it happens I immediately disconnect, run "verify" on the six launcher, and try another server. I almost always load into my original location or one of the spawn points on the beach after using this method. My character is not dead, and I have all my items back. There's also the fact that server settings can't be known until you get into the game. The point is that I almost always end up logging into 3-7 servers per hour just to get the game to function. My friend, who I usually play with does not have this problem, or at least it's not as severe for him. I can only think of one time where my first server has worked correctly until I was ready to log off.
  9. Was just on US 1053. Around 30 players were all warped to the same location and gunned down with automatic weapon fire from the side.
  10. Luke4202

    Hacking on US1083

    After reading this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/40773-us-1053-just-got-hacked/ It looks like it was US 1053
  11. Luke4202

    US 1053 just got hacked?

    I was there when this happened. We were warped to the middle of a field. I thought it was 1083, but your discription of the surroundings and the time make me think we experienced the same thing.
  12. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Joe, do the two guys in Balota still need help? I can get to there pretty easily. Maybe we could both run the mission and cover each other?
  13. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can help. My steam name is Luke42_02 contact me through steam chat. Try to crawl out of Balota if you can. My map shows tree stands south of the airstrip, is that where you are?
  14. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry about that, I'm a noob. Will use PM's in future.
  15. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thank you Connor. He made good on his promise of the AS50. I got the bug that spawns you in the tree-less wilderness and the game said that I had died, so I disconnected ASAP. Loaded back into the game and was on the beach at Kamenka just south of Pavlovo. I would have never made it to you without the bug.
  16. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Steam is Luke42_02
  17. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok, I can see Pavlovo now. Do you want my help?
  18. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Scroll up, I just helped kyle. He can vouch that he gave me morphine. It was free morphine, so why not use it to help someone? It is a bit of a risk you are taking, but I think I'm taking an even bigger risk coming to help you. Especially since I don't NEED to help you.
  19. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Start heading south of town.
  20. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I don't have skype installed, do you have steam?
  21. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Connor are you still there? The dang game warped me across the map. I am very close to you and can get you morphine are you there?
  22. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll check the thread again tomorrow night, maybe it will work out then.
  23. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    and tell me your steam name so I can figure out what server you are on
  24. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Can anyone else get to Connor? I really don't want to hoof it all the way across the map but I will if I need to. Connor, can you start moving East. Head to the big farm South East of Pavlovo if you can. You can probably get there crawling before I can get there running. Are you going to be on for another hour or 2?
  25. Luke4202

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just hit escape and hit respawn