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pooky (DayZ)

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Everything posted by pooky (DayZ)

  1. pooky (DayZ)

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    The ability to respawn changes the perspective on everything, in game each player is effectively a nobody. They have no past, no mother, no family or relatives and you know that when they die, they will come back to life sans their items. You can't recognise them as a person, most people look the same due to the engine and lack of customization, and after all we all consciously know this is just a game. Is it really that hard to get back items? It's just a matter of time, maybe a few hours to get some good items again. Furthermore, when you have accumulated some nice gear what else are you going to do than start picking fights? Wander aimlessly collecting water and beans? That's not much of a game, and eventually the zombie aspect becomes greatly trivialised. And really, due to respawns death really has very little consquence for the dealer or the receiver. In real life people are thinking about the future, how they want to live, how they can be safe and how they can protect what they care about. In this game, the loftiest goal is finding some rare guns or vehicles and keeping them, and knowing that it doesn't matter if you die because you can always find another. Stealing and killing are things that do happen in real life, and when presented the opportunity it's surprising what people will do when they think they can get away with it. However, in general people tend to try to avoid trouble as it often has a funny way of blowing up in your face. What we are seeing is really the result of having an online game, with a primary focus of guns, where there is not much left for players to do in the end game, and the survival aspect of the game is actually rather easy. Of course people start going around looking to PvP, what else is there to do? It doesn't reflect much on what would happen in reality, because it is nothing close to it.
  2. pooky (DayZ)

    People are horrible.

    its unnecessary to search, common sense will always be repeated.
  3. pooky (DayZ)

    People are horrible.

    the problem is that nobody plays the game like reality because they know that no matter what, if they die they can respawn again without consequence. In real life, people don't go around killing or stealing from other people only because they know that society will hold them responsible. If people treated others lives as being disposable like players do in this game, you wouldn't even be able to sleep at night out of fear of ambush. Because you only get one try in real life, and then you're gone. If death had a real consequence people would be way less inclined to shoot first and ask questions later, right now people don't even need to think "is it worth it". You aren't going to contribute towards creating a hostile kill on sight environment, if the direct consequence of that is you are likely to be killed yourself (and you cant magically come back to life) bandits could suffer consequences, like penalties on their next spawn, maybe disadvantages like random injuries, lower max blood points, lock inventory slots, or prevent them from using larger backpacks. Even something like a cooldown before they can spawn a new character. e.g. have to wait 2hrs before you can respawn. The worse your humanity rating the greater severity punishment/disadvantages you receive. It's debatable how much punishment should be dealt, but I don't see how the game can work without some kind of humanity rating. maybe there could be longer respawn timers or some other way to bring consequence to death in general, because even losing all your gear isn't that big of a deal.
  4. pooky (DayZ)


    http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ have you installed the latest beta patch, are you using six updater? http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ