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About zackb101

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  1. To the people who enjoy running for an hour or so and finding their friends: Good, let it be part of the experience for you. For everyone else: This idea's not over, there have a been a lot of good ideas thrown around and I think a compromisable and fair buddy system could be easily implemented.
  2. I think that at EXTREME levels of dehydration as you mentioned, minor hallucinations would be a really cool addition to the game and add to the already creepy-as-hell feel of DayZ.
  3. I wouldn't say people aren't comprehending things, what I would say is that some people have differing opinions and ideas about what should be done. But even with all the opinions in the world we will never know if this new system will be better or worse until we TRY it. If it doesn't work, no big deal, new patch, remove it. If it does work, awesome, glad we tried it. No matter what way you look at it it doesn't hurt to try it. If a player feels the need to quit because of a little and possibly temporary change then they shouldn't even be playing in Alpha stages, let alone at all.
  4. It doesn't have to be a Battlefield type spawning system. If you'd read the post I made before yours, you can see that the elements and mechanics of the system have changed with community feedback. It's good you're finding things to dislike, and everyone is taking that feedback into account. The buddy system is evolving with the communities needs, which is the way it should be.
  5. The only way for us to know for sure is to test the damn feature. So we should test it. Like Rocket said we can always roll back... Now is the time to test shit.
  6. I'm liking the ideas people are having. More specifically I like Lloyds idea of limited spawn points around the map. I think that with enough insight from all the players posting here we could create an awesome system to play with friends without disturbing gameplay. Lloyds system would also prevent "babying" players because if one player did die, the other player(s) would still have to travel back to find them. The only "advantage" they would be getting is spawning with eachother at said spawnpoint.
  7. That seems like a nice compromise. I like the idea.
  8. zackb101

    Panic Mode... Degenerating over time

    I agree with you. The noise gets particularily annoying over an extended period of time and sometimes he seems to freak out for no reason. Gradual decrease in panic is a really nice solution if it can be done.
  9. zackb101

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    Because it's likely to be impossible to control' date=' un-ideal to control, and not a problem in the first place. Everyone has equal opportunity to whore this feature, or refrain from whoring it. I don't see how YOU can sit there and talk about "right" and "wrong" in the context of this game. [/quote'] You seem to be arguing for the sake of argument, that's all. It's NOT UNideal to control, in fact it's quite the opposite. Just because a feature is there doesn't mean it should be whored. Anyways, I'm heading to bed for the night. EDIT: Oh and I'm not talking about context of right and wrong any more than you are. It's a SUGGESTION thread for a reason.
  10. zackb101

    MERGED: Gamma & Brightness

    I agree. I saw in the menu that this was possible and it's a cheap way to get around using flares/being tactical. If your monitor is too dark to see anything, good, use a damn flare. Edit: Actually, just thought about it, is the gamma controlled by the mod itself or does Arma have complete control over it? If so is it possible for DayZ to detect the gamma level and counteract it?
  11. You could camp anywhere you like and have people trying to spawn on you sure, but, limitations WILL make it less worthwhile for the griefer to try and do so. For your spawn camping problem, you can limit the amount of people spawning on a certain person, and each person who spawned on the original person will also retain that limitations to prevent exploting. You can also, as I mentioned before, have it time based, nobody will wait around for 15 minutes or more to spawn on the person, and if they did, congratulations you've wasted 15 minutes of your life.