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Everything posted by Ms.Rose

  1. Ms.Rose

    Day Z etiquette

    Hey everyone, I'm new to Day Z. I've been really enjoying the game, but have a few questions specifically about how to react when you see another player. My instinct tells me to kill whoever I see, provided they are carrying a weapon. This is mainly because, by taking the time to ask "friendly", I've given them the upper hand to kill my character. I was wondering though, if this type of behavoir is frowned upon? Am I not likely to come across people who will shoot me and therefore don't need the hyper-precaution? Also, are there some golden rules within the community to live by?
  2. Ms.Rose

    I feel bad...

    Is my insult of kumquat not good enough for you? ಠ_ಠ
  3. Ms.Rose

    Day Z etiquette

    Thanks for the very thoughtful response. I'm not quite sure if its paranoia exactly. How the game functions dictates the actions of the players. Precaution seems like a reasonable response. If you're able to make friends in such a hostile enviroment, that just makes a friendship that much more kickass, imo.
  4. Ms.Rose

    I feel bad...

    Polls are in and they conclude your are, in fact, a kumquat. Learn from your mistake, and even better, go out and help someone in need. Take the gun you got from him and sit by coast, when you see a new character grant them a gift. Edit: missed your post about not taking his stuff, but you see my point.
  5. Ms.Rose

    Day Z etiquette

    Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with this mentality. For a bit I thought perhaps I was just being a twat.
  6. I went with a male character just for this reason, even though I'm a girl XD Glad to see there are some other girls running around. Me, my fiancee, and two of my friends recently started playing and we were planning on sticking together.