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About Ms.Rose

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ms.Rose

    I feel bad...

    Is my insult of kumquat not good enough for you? ಠ_ಠ
  2. Ms.Rose

    Day Z etiquette

    Thanks for the very thoughtful response. I'm not quite sure if its paranoia exactly. How the game functions dictates the actions of the players. Precaution seems like a reasonable response. If you're able to make friends in such a hostile enviroment, that just makes a friendship that much more kickass, imo.
  3. Ms.Rose

    I feel bad...

    Polls are in and they conclude your are, in fact, a kumquat. Learn from your mistake, and even better, go out and help someone in need. Take the gun you got from him and sit by coast, when you see a new character grant them a gift. Edit: missed your post about not taking his stuff, but you see my point.
  4. Ms.Rose

    Day Z etiquette

    Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with this mentality. For a bit I thought perhaps I was just being a twat.
  5. I went with a male character just for this reason, even though I'm a girl XD Glad to see there are some other girls running around. Me, my fiancee, and two of my friends recently started playing and we were planning on sticking together.
  6. Ms.Rose

    Day Z etiquette

    Hey everyone, I'm new to Day Z. I've been really enjoying the game, but have a few questions specifically about how to react when you see another player. My instinct tells me to kill whoever I see, provided they are carrying a weapon. This is mainly because, by taking the time to ask "friendly", I've given them the upper hand to kill my character. I was wondering though, if this type of behavoir is frowned upon? Am I not likely to come across people who will shoot me and therefore don't need the hyper-precaution? Also, are there some golden rules within the community to live by?