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About FreddiRox

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. FreddiRox

    Tracking footprints ?

    Would be really nice. Especially if it worked in the same way as Wurm Online or something along the lines of Mount and Blade.
  2. FreddiRox


    A nice idea for DayZ would be the ability to catch fish in lakes. In my head, the way fishing would work would there is a chance (Maybe a 10%) to find fishing rods near to lakes and the coast. The fishing rod would take up 3 toolbelt slots to carry and there could be a possibility to add lure or bait onto the rod for a higher chance to catch fish. Like filling up a water bottle, you would have to stand by a lake and right click the toolbelt in your inventory to cast. Once cast, you would wait for the fishing rod to shake and then hit LClick or Reload to catch the fish.
  3. Hey, nearly 4 days ago now, my friend signed for a server - Expecting it to be up and running with in 2 days maximum even with the waiting time for servers to be accepted. It is frustrating, he hasn't done anything wrong and his server has really good specs reducing lag me and my friends go through daily. Is there any reason no servers are getting accepted at the moment?
  4. Me and my friend where playing on a DE server at 1 in the morning GMT time zone and it was daylight. This was a couple of patches back, but now when ever I try join a GMT-8 European server so it is daytime in game where it is night elsewhere, it still remains night. In sort, when my friend gets his server, could he set it to be day time at night for us? As we can only play late at night