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Everything posted by immutable

  1. immutable

    US 175 bad admin

    LOL you dishonest piece of shit. You kick people from the server when they kill you and drive off in the vehicles you had or you see them driving and kick them to take vehicles. I've personally witnessed this on several occasions, and was even kicked when I was driving away from gunfire in my yellow hatchback only to log back in and not see my vehicle anywhere. You abuse global chat channels to taunt and talk trash. You had your server locked for hours upon hours upon hours with nobody but you and your group on the server. Just shut the fuck up and find a tall building.
  2. dunno what game you are playing the zombies aggro ridiculously now from gunshots since the patch its borderline retarded
  3. immutable

    US 175 bad admin

    i've had similar experienced with the admins of this server. as of right now at 5:12pm CST the server is passworded with the admin and his group on the server because they are trying to reclaim the vehicles etc. that they lost i'll edit in a screenshot later edit : http://i.imgur.com/rZZLC.png the admins regularly abuse global chat, restart and lock server when losing vehicles, etc. and Curgon, you guys need to seriously rethink the policy for reporting fuckhead admins/servers like us175. i'm not going to waste hard drive space, time, and effort recording these assholes.
  4. i think the way that admin reports are handled needs to be drastically rethought. i should not have to go out of my way to record someone abusing their admin etc. then spend even more time uploading the footage etc. why are there even logs if you guys do not utilize them? btw : us175 is a trash server with admins that hoard vehicles and restart etc. when losing them. all the while happily abusing global chat and trash talking players they kill etc. do i want to spend the time recording their habitual abuse of power ? no, i do not. i'll just move to a different server.