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About Doodiebutton

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    On the Coast

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  1. What in the hell are they going to do about these hackers man, I cant go 5 mins without a script kiddie messing with the server Im on, and really Iv tried 26 servers today. This game is amazing, I love it, Ill donate, whatever it takes. And why are people getting happy about the next patch, why dont they stop with the dogs and bears, and focus on the bugs and script kiddies. Sucks man, seems like all good games are going to shit now. I also understand that its an Alpha version, but then, why let 1 millon people play it, and charge for servers, just to give Admins practiclly no authority to get rid of these hackers? Well it was fun, but ill check the game out in a few months, maybe some changes that need to happen will happen. Happy hunting while falling from the sky, or getting ported to "the thunder dome" Doodiebutton
  2. Doodiebutton

    My first day in the end of the world

    Life 2 : Invisible guys shoots me kills me. Life 3: Teleported to middle of ocean.
  3. First let me start by saying this game, hands down, is one of the greatest games I think I'v ever played. Question I guessis, Are they ever going to take care of this hacker problem? I like the game so much I started buying copys of Arma from steam for my buddies to come play,but everytime we get logged in and start to have some fun, boom, teleported to some random area, all our legs are broke, invisible person shooting us down ect...... Also does anyone remeber the days when cheaters were considered nothing but bitches in the gaming communtiy? When did it become "cool" to cheat? Thanks for your time, Doodiebutton