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About TakumoKatekari

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TakumoKatekari

    Questions about Hosting Rules

    Well I knew I couldn't get an Instance ID for this, I just wanted to know if it was possible, and what the developer's viewpoint is on it (although that said if they frown upon it I'd have serious concerns about the future of DayZ, as a game built on its community) But if its all possible, then that's great news for me.
  2. TakumoKatekari

    Questions about Hosting Rules

    And as I said before, I'm not talking about it being part of the main DayZ players database, just a separate thing so I can play with a few friends and not get greif from bandits.
  3. TakumoKatekari

    Questions about Hosting Rules

    I wasn't talking about a "private hive" Just a single server so a few friends can play together without worrying about being bothered by people who seek to make our time less fun.
  4. I've read all the rules for hosting a server, but what I really want to do is the following. Host from home on a fibre connection (70Mbps DL / 20Mbps UL) Host a small number of players (no more than 10) Host password protected I know that all of these things violate the rules for an ``officially supported'' server, but I don't mind not having inventories synchronised with the master database or any of that (because I'm likely to play on this server exclusively). I just like being able to choose who I play with (because l really, really, hate bandits) If this is not possible I really hope its in the development roadmap because some people just like choosing who they play with, so that their game can be a retreat from stress (and not a cause, which being shot-on-sight by bandits is for me.) I hope I don't come across as condescending of DayZ or its developers, I really love your work, I just want to have more control over my own experience so I can enjoy DayZ as much as possible. :)