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xTLRxPrototype (DayZ)

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Posts posted by xTLRxPrototype (DayZ)

  1. I live on the country which is one of the reasons why i love this game, i live in the same kind of enviroments. But its NEVER that dark on an autumnnight. Never.

    There is probably a city around or small town that produces some sort of light. In Chernarus, there is absolutely nowhere with light. That's what makes it pitch black. Don't even try to say you don't live near any towns or cities because even one that's 2 hours away will still make light.

  2. Why so Microsoft can claim distribution rights and then PC players won't be able to play the game for 2 months or more? You guys need to get the hell out of here with this shit. And people need to stop responding to anything Xbox related on these forums. Just trolls.

  3. The idea is awesome, and I think it would probably increase the popularity of playing on servers at night.

    Also, I'm not sure how the game works exactly, but is there a way to make another entity (like a car) to be the generator, and then when it is on, it turns on lights (which could just be modified flares) that are placed in the lampposts. That way the map wouldn't need to be modified, just small objects placed on it.

    If fuel is needed to get the generator working, it should last a while, since lights don't need much power to run, and the generator should become a spawn point for lots of zombies, which would make sense, and also provide the generator with protection from bandits.

    One last thing, since the city is lit up and the countryside is dark, it should attract more zombies (spawn them outside the city, then have them walk in) to make it more dangerous (it IS still night time after all).

    That's a really good idea.

  4. Target date:

    * Wednesday 25 July 2012 (GMT)

    * Updated to Tuesday 24 July 2012 (GMT)

    * [NEW] Players spawning in debug area or "water world" will spawn on beach on next login (with their gear)

    * [NEW] Client will automatically spawn player out of debug and waterworld to last known position

    How is the target date pushed back when Wednesday passed already, and how is player going to pawn on beach next spawn with gear but the 2nd *[NEW] says that they will spawn where they last were, I don't understand.
