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Woman! Make me food

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Everything posted by Woman! Make me food

  1. Woman! Make me food

    Things that should reduce banditing

    Weapons are more rare There are no one-hit-kill sniper rifles There are no thermal scopes or thermal vision Quantified humanity level is not shown to the player, OR Quantified humanity level is shown to player as 0 when it is <= 0 Number of murders and bandit kills are not shown to the player
  2. Sick idea. I think the servers would have to be balanced by Day Z automatically, though; ie: you "Join game" and it decides on its own what server to put you in. Maybe you can add your friend as a buddy, and opt to join whichever server he is on.
  3. Woman! Make me food

    Things that should reduce banditing

    This is probably due in part to the duping bugs.
  4. Woman! Make me food

    Things that should reduce banditing

    This would most certainly encourage players to kill each other rather than cooperate. I guess I picked the wrong title for this thread. It's a little misleading. A better one might be "Some things that I think would help even the balance between banditing and cooperative playing styles."
  5. Woman! Make me food

    Things that should reduce banditing

    Keep in mind, I am suggesting these changes as a bandit. I kill other players for fun. Agreed. The risk/reward gets even steeper for a bandit :] The .50 caliber rifles should be taken out of the game. They are too powerful to bandits. Yes, they are hard to find. When someone has them, they have a ridiculous advantage over other players, especially if they pair it with a .50 caliber sniper rifle. Being hard to find just makes it an advantage over more players. I use it all the time, and I'm saying its way too overpowering.