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Everything posted by Killer110

  1. Killer110

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    NO FUCKING DOGS I've been waiting for so long for this update for the sole reason that there would be dogs and then I finish reading the patch notes and there's no dogs. If this isn't a sign that you worship the devil I don't know what is.
  2. AU2 - 21/10/12 - Approximately 12:06PM BiGFOOT or BiGBOOT. . I am Andres.You found me at Zeleno on an ATV and gave me some things. We were on our way East and picked up a player. We saw someone spawn and went to pick him up. Then someone else with an MG and a zombie skin spawned and shot at us. I aborted because I didn't want to get killed by a hacker. He flipped the ATV with MG fire and broke my legs. It was quite obvious because of the skin, and because he spawned on the coast with an MG. I hope you read this. Tell me how the little adventure went. I'm quite interested.
  3. Killer110

    Looking For Radio

    A radio is like Mountain Dew except it's not as....dangerous....to have around.
  4. Killer110

    Laast Offer Motorcycle

    I already made an offer on your old thread but I guess I'll make it again. AK74 and 2 clips for the motorbike but I'd prefer a bicycle if you have one (since it makes for a fairer trade).
  5. Killer110

    Trading a Motorcycle.

    Well if there aren't any other offers do you want an AK74 with 2 clips for it? I'd rather have a bicycle but a motorbike is still good.
  6. You spelt "thingymabob" wrong. Yes, you can spell that word wrong.
  7. Killer110

    When is stealing ok

    As for my previous comment concerning tent theft that was only to refute the logic that other people presented. I haven't definetly made an opinion regarding it yet. But if it's completely alright and accepted to steal people's things then why is it then accepted to shoot people who do that? It's kind of hypocritical.
  8. Killer110

    When is stealing ok

    I break into someone's house and steal some food and a bottle of coke. It's not stealling though because those things help me survive and they weren't there so really they wanted me to steal that stuff. I know the Internet has numbed your intellectual capacities but use common sense.
  9. Killer110

    Bandit glitch!

    I'm sorry to say but your humanity stays with you even after death. Just shooting non-bandits incurs a humanity penalty and the only way to raise humanity other than it doing so automatically by random chance a single time is by healing people.
  10. Killer110

    ~Surplus for Trade~

    Skype doesn't work for me but if you have Steam then we can communicate.
  11. Killer110

    Why i stopped beeing nice to people...

    I'm not what you call a KOS guy. If I see someone else the first thing I do is take cover and then call out friendly. That way I can get a trade or something going (or we can just part ways) with all the safety of knowing where they are without them knowing where you are. The only time I've let a guy with a bandit skin go unmolested was when he called out friendly first. And also because he did so when I had a bunch of loot in Cherno while he was behind me with a crossbow and every opportunity to kill me. Really the best way to have fun in the game is to find other people and actually play with them rather than against them.If it weren't for that I would'nt have randomly joined a 5 person group (we 5 just randomly met at Elektro after a server restart) and then gotten an AS50 with a bunch of other end-game loot, I would have killed a ghillie-suit clad player on sight and missed out on permanently joining another group and establishing a base, and I wouldn't have then found another person to join this group. It's a lot more fun to raid factories with a boat for car parts than it is shooting noobs on the coast with a haxed in sniper rifle or shooting someone for teh beanz.
  12. When you start eating sardines straight from the can.
  13. Killer110

    ~Surplus for Trade~

    Can I have an M4A3 CCO for 2 engine parts and 1 wheel? I'll also give you my AK74 and any ammo I have for it for a Mountain Dew if you have any.
  14. Killer110

    Roman's Apocalyptic Warehouse

    A bump? I sent you a PM days ago asking if you wanted to do a trade and you never even responded. I'm a bit offended.
  15. Killer110

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Modern art in all its glory.
  16. I'm willing to trade a PDW with 2 mags for it.
  17. Killer110

    Zombies knock you out to easy

    I also love how if a zombie hits you in the face, your legs break.
  18. Killer110

    [TRADING] High End Gear

    I'll trade you a range finder for a GPS.
  19. Killer110

    BLACK LEGION is trading rare items...

    No way that is so not worth it. That gun is AFAIK the rarest gun in DayZ and worth a lot more than a Coyote pack. What can I get if I trade in a range finder?
  20. I'm willing to trade a range finder for NVGs.
  21. Killer110

    How To Play DayZ

  22. Killer110

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    My Steam is Killer 110. I also sent you a PM.
  23. Killer110

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm on 2700 blood in the North-East big tent at the military base in Stary Sobor. I keep passing out and my vision is always shaky (despite pain killers). I've been waiting for ages for medical attention.
  24. Killer110

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still waiting with 2200 blood in NE big military tent in Stary Sobor. My Steam is Killer 110. Please hurry as I keep on passing out.