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Everything posted by Fowlah178

  1. Fowlah178

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    Hey there, I've got my eye on your M4A3CCO. I've got an M16A2 M203 with two smoke grenades if you're interested, and if that doesn't work also have a PDW. Let me know!
  2. Fowlah178

    Looking to trade for an M4A3CCO

    Hey there, just to let you guys know this is my first trade, so no there is no background on me. I'll tell you right now I'm a friendly, but I know that doesn't mean much without someone to vouch for you. Anyways, I'm looking to find an M4A3CCO.In return I have: M16A2 M203 M203 Shots (if gun is traded) PDW 2 Stanag Clips (if gun is traded) P.S. could I convince you to do a transfusion on me too if we trade? I have a blood pack on me. Let me know!
  3. Fowlah178

    Looking to trade for an M4A3CCO

    Hey there, just to let you guys know this is my first trade, so no there is no background on me. I'll tell you right now I'm a friendly, but I know that doesn't mean much without someone to vouch for you. Anyways, I'm looking to find an M4A3CCO.In return I have: M16A2 M203 M203 Shots (if gun is traded) PDW 2 Stanag Clips (if gun is traded) P.S. could I convince you to do a transfusion on me too if we trade? I have a blood pack on me. Let me know!
  4. I've seen a few posts recently for hive servers with passwords and what not, and I could have sworn that you'd get a ban for having a server like that. Can you get banned for playing on a private server?
  5. Sketchy. Thanks for the info.
  6. Just another day in day z. Been kind of hectic on US358 for me at least. I finally put together a van for the first time, I had it for a few days till I made the mistake of taking it to a supermarket in what I assumed was a desolate town up north. But assuming got me right where it always does, a bullet in the back and the sound of the van driving away while I slowly bleed out. I was mad, but of course I came back :) Went out to Skalisty Island to see if the helicopter had spawned, and fortunately it had. Found the parts and fix it enough to fly it, only thing is the gas wouldn't stay in the tank. So I left it overnight and signed off, went to get the parts today and was on my way back, only to be shot at by two snipers some where behind me while swimming to the island. Of course someone else figures out the helicopter is out there while I'm gone. God. Frustrating. But I know I'll be back in an hour or two, just doing something on my own, maybe try and find whoever took my van since I saw it drive right past me in the middle of a convoy while I was on my way up the coast to Skalitsy.
  7. Like I said, I'm looking for a good US server, one that isn't too crowded, preferably east coast. If anyone knows one let me know, looking to make a home and start a camp.
  8. Fowlah178

    Looking for a good US server

    Wasn't asking for a clan >_>
  9. Anyone know when they're being added to the vehicle spawns? Just finished finding the parts :)
  10. Sweet man, I can't wait. Picked eveything up and got to the top of the Cherno Hospital, just hope it spawns there.
  11. Nah, they can't add them to the spawn for a day or so or something like that, there was a forum about it in the announcements
  12. Just out of curiousity, does anyone know if Rocket is planning on putting them back in? I kinda dreamed about rebuilding one on a server.
  13. Thinking about trying to track one of these down, I've been told they're very useful Also, I know about Gorka and The pass to the north
  14. Yeah I knew about that it only shows 2 spawns for the truck though
  15. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good server that has vehicles on it?
  16. Fowlah178

    Good Servers for Vehicles?

    Thanks guys
  17. Fowlah178

    Good Servers for Vehicles?

    Well that just seems kind of lame, I really wanted to put one together
  18. Fowlah178

    Good Servers for Vehicles?

    It's really hard to even find one, it seems like they're never at where they're supposed to spawn