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Everything posted by tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

  1. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    To the tent owners in US 745

    Wheres your seance of adventure, go explore and you shall be rewarded, HEAVILY rewarded
  2. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    To the tent owners in US 745

    Find my Tent feel feel free to take the m4a1 cco sd, as50 and nvg
  3. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    High resolution player models

    any screen caps from the pmc dlc but keep in mind thats only for the defualt skin, once you get camo or gully suit it goes back to looking crap again unless you have brtish armed forces
  4. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    Server location ID copycats

    well his server is only 30 slots so report the server and get it blacklisted
  5. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    Private hive servers?

    You shouden't get blacklisted once again its two different servers so, and to be honest your better off on your own private locked server with all the hackers running rampent
  6. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    Cancel your servers.

    I've almost had it with dayz because of the hackers my friends and i lost 3 camps in 3 days on 3 different servers ALL because of hackers and the admins could not do crap about it ether so all we can do is leave the server we like until there is less then 10 in it for no hackers to bother targeting it. Its very hard on people losing weeks of work with end game gear to just sit there and take it because the games protection is like using a single sheet of paper to stop a bullet
  7. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    Cancel your servers.

    At least most other games by this point have adapted better forms of protection to deal out automatic bans to the hackers. As for the server host up there, I think its stupid as well that there is such restctions put on a mod in alpha stages i mean a minimum of 40 clients is redulious and not being able to password a server as well, many of us would prefer to be in locked servers then deal with hordes of hackers in this dam game
  8. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    DE #500 hackers

    Seriously this is the 3rd time me and my friends tried to set up a camp, we had a great time this time on our new home server. Apart from being a treck and a half out in the middle of nowhere it was going great for the first day ANDDDDD once again it got fucked the hell over by a god dam hacker. Seriously why the fuck does battleye update so much if it cant even protect against little script kiddies all it does is cause problems for actual players when it can't update it self. This game is going to die from this problem sooner or later if they can not add basic protection from script kiddies. And if your the hacker reading this you missed 2 of us with the best equipment, you took out the 4 noobies with 1911s good job.
  9. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    DE #500 hackers

    It will, slowly but surely it will. this player base right now is all from the hype the game is badly made and badly supported and with warz creeping in now with close beta sometime if they do it right the bubble will burst.
  10. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    sorry for hitting you with my bus

    Faith in dayz players a little bit restored
  11. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    LU209 Kicking

    Even if it was a bot just killing it self and i'm not saying it is how did that give you the right to kick everyone else BAR 2 people and the admin.
  12. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    LU209 Kicking

    I doubt they will even come here to try defend their actons
  13. tmc_miles_tails_prower@hotmail.com

    LU209 Kicking

    I also confirmed it, joining LU209 I got to the breafing screen then the admin kicked me. I would say blacklist.