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Trigger (DayZ)

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About Trigger (DayZ)

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  1. Trigger (DayZ)

    Looking a brony clan.

    damn you double post
  2. Trigger (DayZ)

    Knifes & Nades

    check my comment fix
  3. Trigger (DayZ)

    Knifes & Nades

    oh, i know. i'm just proposing my ideal melee system.
  4. Trigger (DayZ)

    Knifes & Nades

    i for one dont want melee weapons to be oneshot. if you get a glancing blow in someones arm with a knife i expect them to bleed and then shoot you. if you stab them in the back (the lungs/heart), which would need to be charged for a couple of seconds to prevent spamming (ensuring only people who were stealthy could do it.) then it could one shot them. otherwise with planks or bats or stuff i think one hit to the head should knock you out. other hits to the arms and legs should break bones. but you would actually need to keep beating people to death creating a visible and loud scene to kill them.
  5. Trigger (DayZ)

    I was evil last night...

    we were about 15 feet apart. i moved to face him. said "sorry about this part" shot one in his shoulder. and then one in his face. if you want me to get specific
  6. Trigger (DayZ)

    I was evil last night...

    yes honestly. what i meant by apologized was i made known my intentions. and gave him a chance to defend himself.
  7. Trigger (DayZ)

    I was evil last night...

    Heh, i played the false savior the other night. i saw some noob running with a flare down the center of the road. so i ended up shooting him in the kneecap. i fired some other shots into the distance. over side chat i asked him if he needed some morphine. i told him i saw the whole thing and i shot the bandit. elaborating that i already took his stuff and hid the body. he was instantly grateful to me. he offered a teamup. i aggreed. He made a lovely bandit trap. running with his little flare. Me shadowing him in the darkness. eliminating any bandits that shot at him. patching him up with what was left over of their supplies. we got to a small town and his use was at an end. now i dont shoot people in the back. i find it cowardly. so i had him turn to face me. apologized coldly and shot him in the face. going on to barricade the building i wanted and continuing my game.