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Everything posted by ArmedRabbit

  1. Zac was hosting the game when someone killed him, I know this from the messages he sent over general chat. Not a minute later he resets the server to try get his gear back. People like him really need to leave is game and not come back
  2. ArmedRabbit

    LU209 Kicking

    No it doesnt, Considering one of the "bots" that kept suiciding is actually a friend of mine who couldnt get onto the server, his name is on that list twice for a total of 57 deaths, when in reality he couldnt even enter the server.
  3. ArmedRabbit

    LU209 Kicking

    They're doing the same things today, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38562-lu209-admin-abuse/
  4. ArmedRabbit

    LU209 admin abuse

    They were doing the same thing to my friends yesterday, The thread for that is here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/37307-lu209-kicking/
  5. ArmedRabbit

    LU209 Kicking

    Same story here, insta kicked before the game could start loading, must be running a script or something.