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Everything posted by sKynZ

  1. Aahhh totally stressing! I had this in server UK87, in Vybor :( Got of the school, and i was like yeah nothing will happen. But i heard some footsteps outside the school, went prone... Guess what happend..... Character walked of the glitchy roof at Vybor, landed infront of the enemy.. the enemy disconnected. Luckily had a friend that could fetch my gear <3 Thanks again // Fox !
  2. Hi folks, Oke lets kick off, alot of my friend were playing on UK87.. and we had a camp there with 9 tents, and 1 jeep. Everything was defended properly, wire fencing and tank traps and bear traps all around the place. Suddenly tonight around 1:20 GMT+1 we could not join any more multiplayer matches. After launching SixLauncher again, we had to download a patch. We were going online, and got the message (in short): "Arma: OA is currently unavailible, sorry for the inconvenience." After waiting till 03:00 GMT+1 we could finally use the multiplayer lobby again. Joined server UK87 (still spawning at our camp location) and EVERYTHING was gone. All our gear, tents and car and defenses. My question is, why and how is this possible? Can we get it back? Or do we have to start all over again?
  3. As i thought..... Vilayer || Staff myname, We do not provide our client information to third parties, I would suggest in the future you rent your own server for your group to play on. Best Regards, hisname (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com How would you rate this reply? Poor Excellent 26/07/2012 20:48myname || skynz@live.nl Is there a way to contact the person or hoster through e-mail in anyway? We are a group of 60 players, we would love to atleast get a proper answer regarding our items. 26/07/2012 20:42Vilayer || Staff myname, We only correspond with our clients in regards to server status issues. Best Regards, hisname (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD | www.vilayer.com How would you rate this reply? Poor Excellent 26/07/2012 20:39myname || skynz@live.nl Hi Support, We play a while now on the Luxembourg server called UK87. We have setted up a camp / base of operations, after the latest patch we lost all our cars and tents. Is there a way, to reset / restart the server in anyway to get all our stuff back? I also made a post on DayZmod.com about this matter: " http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43556-uk87-everything-gone-after-arma-oa-update/ " They advised me to contact the server hoster(s).
  4. I contacted people at ViLayer.com regarding this issue. I really hope we get some information about the hoster, wich i dont think we get because i think its classified information.
  5. PS: Is there a way to contact an administrator of a server, if there would be no info in the MOTD? :)
  6. Oke guys, thanks for the headsup :) I think the server restarted once, for the patch to be active. So it has to restart again, to regain the last HIVE Database file? :) Ehm, How come i dont thrust this? Not personal but you only have 7 posts, and to be honest i dont see what you could possibly see in the changelog :) The tents and cars were at server UK87 :)
  7. sKynZ

    FAIL - Elektro Speed Run

    Hahaha, that was so epic! :3
  8. sKynZ

    Ghillie suits & Camo clothing...

    We had a person with a gillie suit. But i was not able to rip the suit of him, should this be possible? :)
  9. M14 with the FAL is a good combination.
  10. sKynZ

    Bus hijack in Vybor!

    LOL Thats the most dramatic thing i have read here on the DayZ forum :( If we would have been close, i would have healed you :3 Could take a while though xD Yes i used the m4a3 CCO at Vybor. Snacks used the AKS-74 Cobra.. We first thought about not engaging and leave it be, but the players started to search the whole city for loot and would eventually go to the school. So i decided since i had a clear beat on the hilly billy bus driver to land the first shot, wich hitted him in the leg and paralyzed him. He went down to that little roofcover and searched for cover, wich did not fit because he was 'a hobo with a shotgun'. Then i landed my shots into his head and saw a murder popping up in my eye corner. After that the passenger of the 'Bus driving express' went into the shop and was in shock that his redneck comrad died and tried to find cover in the open corner of the shop. Landed one bullet in his head, end of his story. After that we decided to wait sometime because i thought there could be more in that 'Bus driving express' Bus. And that was true, two more people popped around the corner and ran into the shop. I was still on the same location as where i shot the first two from. The green wookie and his mate ran behind the counter. I could not wait any longer because they could oppose a threat to us very soon. PEW PEW PANG BAM, and i got the green wookie's his friend. I instructed my friend (Snacks) to go around and intercept him, because i could see if Mr. Wookie would go out the otherside of the shop.. After some pew pew pang bam firing back and forth (Snacks Vs. The Green Wookie) there was a silence, and a loud "HA-HA-HA-HA I GOT HIM!" on Teamspeak. We packed our gear and ran with our high-end gear between our legs. To be continued at Vybor... ?